Bachelor of Business Administration (Trades Management) (Honours Degree) – Pathway for Business -Trades

The Bachelor of Business Administration (Trades Management) (Honours Degree) is a degree-completion program where the knowledge and skills gained through apprenticeship/journeyperson training, or trade-related diploma programs, provide the basis for advanced standing into the program.

  • The program is delivered by three colleges located across Ontario: Mohawk, Algonquin and George Brown colleges.
  • Benefit from supportive and experienced facilitators who are active in their industry
  • Courses are built with flexibility in mind and can be accessed anytime and from anywhere

Program Availability and Schedule



Given the part-time delivery of this program, there is not a standard schedule for all learners.

Program Summary


Honours Degree (See overview for details)

Program Code

Area of Interest


This pathway is for graduates of the Business - Trades Ontario College Diploma program. Graduates of this program receive credit for 12 courses in the degree, and enter into the program in semester 4.

The program's fully online delivery format is responsive to the current and growing need of students to continue to work while taking a postsecondary program to develop the business management skills that support career advancement. This format is truly student-centered and facilitates an interdisciplinary approach to integrating business knowledge....(read more)


The Bachelor of Business Administration (Trades Management) (Honours Degree) is a degree-completion program where the knowledge and skills gained through apprenticeship/journeyperson training, or trade-related diploma programs, provide the basis for advanced standing into the program. Focus is on the business administration, managerial, accounting, project management, leadership, communication and applied research competencies needed by people working in or with the skilled trades to grow their own businesses, take on greater responsibilities in their current work environments, and/or pursue management careers in medium to large organizations. For those graduates who want to pursue further academic credentials, the program will facilitate a pathway into graduate studies in both business administration and management programs.

This pathway is for graduates of the Business - Trades Ontario College Diploma program. Graduates of this program receive credit for 12 courses in the degree, and enter into the program in semester 4.

The program's fully online delivery format is responsive to the current and growing need of students to continue to work while taking a postsecondary program to develop the business management skills that support career advancement. This format is truly student-centered and facilitates an interdisciplinary approach to integrating business knowledge.

Graduates possess a unique blend of practical knowledge and abilities supported by firm underpinnings of the methodologies and theories relating to the trades-business sectors. Graduates seeking employment in today's rapidly changing global environment are well positioned to start their own business, to manage a small to medium-sized trades-related business, or use their newly developed skills and knowledge to improve an existing business. Employment opportunities may also exist in both the private and public sectors where strong leadership, management and entrepreneurship skills and the ability to adapt to change are highly desired.

The program is delivered by three colleges located across Ontario: Mohawk, Algonquin and George Brown colleges. Each college has expertise in business management and trades programming, as well as possesses the institutional capacity and supports required for fully online program delivery. The colleges are sharing their academic and industry expertise to deliver an innovative program that also aligns with the technological shifts in the sector.


This program is well-suited for students who:

  • Enjoy taking leadership roles.
  • Adapt well to change.
  • Have an entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Are interested in integrating current skillset with business management.
  • Are confident in an online learning environment.


Read this before applying:

This part-time Degree program requires you to complete an application and be accepted into the program prior to course registration. Please complete the application form before registering. Your course will take place entirely online and does not require you to come to campus. Without a set class time you can complete your assignments when it’s most convenient for you while following the course deadlines. Different courses may be available each semester so don’t forget to check back regularly.

OnlineDistance Education   
HoursCourse NameSummer
Level: 04
ACC100242.0Financial AccountingDistance Education
ECO110142.0MicroeconomicsDistance Education
ECO210142.0MacroeconomicsDistance Education
MGT215621.0Principles of Business Management and Research Part 2Distance Education
QUA200242.0StatisticsDistance Education
Level: 05
BUS200742.0Computer Business ApplicationsDistance Education
GED200542.0Liberal Studies Elective 5Liberal Studies Elective 5

There are no classes currently scheduled for this course.

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GED200642.0Liberal Studies Elective 6Liberal Studies Elective 6

There are no classes currently scheduled for this course.

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MGT201342.0Risk ManagementDistance Education
MGT350042.0Professional PracticeDistance Education
MKT350142.0MarketingDistance Education
Level: 06
ACC200342.0Managerial AccountingDistance Education
GED400042.0Liberal Studies Elective 7Liberal Studies Elective 7

There are no classes currently scheduled for this course.

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HRM410142.0Human Resource ManagementDistance Education
LAW201542.0Canadian Business LawDistance Education
MGT460242.0Project ManagementDistance Education
Co-op: 01
WKT20010.0Work-Integrated LearningWork-Integrated Learning

There are no classes currently scheduled for this course.

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Level: 07
FIN300442.0FinanceDistance Education
MGT201442.0Management Information SystemsDistance Education
MGT201556.0Managing Small and Medium EnterprisesDistance Education
MGT400242.0Operations ManagementDistance Education
MGT470042.0Capstone Applied Research Project 1Distance Education
MKT470442.0Trades MarketingDistance Education
Level: 08
BUS410742.0International BusinessDistance Education
GED400142.0Liberal Studies Elective 8Liberal Studies Elective 8

There are no classes currently scheduled for this course.

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MGT201242.0Negotiation StrategiesDistance Education
MGT470442.0Capstone Applied Research Project 2Capstone Applied Research Project 2

There are no classes currently scheduled for this course.

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MGT480042.0Strategic Thinking and ManagementStrategic Thinking and Management

There are no classes currently scheduled for this course.

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ACC1002 Financial Accounting

Financial accounting examines the role of accounting as the language of business. Financial Statements are examined from a user and preparer perspectives. The various steps and processes of the accounting cycle are completed. The principles directed from ASPE and IFRS are contrasted in the preparation and presentation of financial statements. Key accounts are analyzed showing relationships between statements, to assess reasonability of amounts reported, and ultimately to the congruence of the bigger story being told.

ECO1101 Microeconomics

Microeconomics studies the behavior of individuals and the market to help businesses make decisions on the allocation of resources. Centering on the modern market economy as a system, students explore the principles of microeconomics using economic models to analyze consumer and firm behaviour. Students examine the concepts of resources allocation, demand and supply, market structure and market failure. In addition, students identify the impact of government regulation in markets on economic efficiency, as well as how decisions are made in the business environment.

ECO2101 Macroeconomics

Macroeconomics is a social science that examines the objectives and policies that affect the whole economy. Students explore the principles of macroeconomics using economic models to analyze the performance of the economy at an aggregate level. Through lectures and discussions, Students examine how the level of unemployment, inflation and national income are determined, investigate the impact that fiscal and monetary policies have on stabilizing the economy and analyze Canada's international economic relationships, including the international flows of goods and of capital.

Pre-requisites: ECO1101

MGT2156 Principles of Business Management and Research Part 2

Students in this second part of the course will analyze the academic research process and apply their knowledge in a research project. Working in groups, students will choose research topics of interest, write their proposals, carry out the research and write their research reports.

QUA2002 Statistics

Students explore fundamental statistical concepts and use statistical software to summarize, analyze and present both descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics include central tendency, variation, probability, central limit theorem, sampling, estimation and hypothesis testing. These theoretical concepts are explained through practical examples from various sectors. Students develop the required background for further study related to research.

BUS2007 Computer Business Applications

Students are introduced to key concepts and the implementation of business computer applications with emphasis placed on collaborative, team-based work and the support of more effective business decision-making. A series of standard business computer application paradigms will be explored including word processing, academic referencing, digital presentations, digital media, spreadsheets, data tables, analytics and data visualization and storytelling. Students will apply this knowledge to individual and collaborative assessments that support more effective business decision-making and problem-solving.

MGT2013 Risk Management

Risk Management provides the means to systematically manage uncertainty and increase the likelihood of meeting objectives. Students explore and apply risk management processes of identification, analysis, response and control to manage risk within the trades. Detailed theoretical and practical experiences are provided to help students apply the Risk Management Framework in various situations common to trade practices. Through project and case-based activities, students also analyze and apply various tools and techniques, formulate strategies, and develop creative-thinking and problem-solving skills to minimize risks and maximize opportunities.

MGT3500 Professional Practice

Today's highly competitive business environment requires that learners be able to apply a combination of skills from a variety of knowledge areas, to their particular trade or business. This course is designed to expose students to different ethical and moral codes on a corporate and personal basis. They will examine the viability and legitimacy of ethical theories and ideas as they apply to modern day work environments.

MKT3501 Marketing

Marketing is an essential skill for individuals in literally every profession. However, for this program, students will examine the essentials of Marketing especially as it relates to trades. They will also be facilitated to develop awareness of integral marketing terminology and examine all aspects of the marketing environment including social, economic, legal, regulatory, competitive, and technological. Additional skills to which students will be exposed, include research and evaluation skills as they relate to current and relevant marketing strategies and campaigns for return on investment as it relates to their specific trades.

ACC2003 Managerial Accounting

Students in this course will be introduced to the role, concepts, and practices of management accounting in the business environment. Through an examination of cost terms, job order, process costing systems, and cost behaviour, students will analyze the foundations of managerial accounting. Planning and control issues are introduced through the study of cost-volume-profit relationships and activity-based costing. The case study method of developing critical thinking skills will also be introduced.

Pre-requisites: ACC1002

HRM4101 Human Resource Management

This course provides students with a strong foundation in Human Resource Management (HRM) theory and practice. Students analyze human resource functions such as: human resource planning, recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, and compensation and benefits. Employment law, occupational health and safety and labour relations are also examined. Course activities allow students to assess the complementary responsibilities of line managers and HR specialists in ensuring organizational effectiveness.

LAW2015 Canadian Business Law

This course introduces students to the Canadian legal system. Following a discussion of the tort law and professional liability, the course turns to the principles of contract law. Key aspects of business law are discussed including the Sale of Goods Act, Consumer Protection Law, Guarantees, Negotiable Instruments, Security for debt and the Bankruptcy Act. Recent developments in intellectual property law are discussed, as well as issues in real property.

MGT4602 Project Management

Effective project management techniques help managers meet the needs of their business by ensuring their projects remain on time, within budget and under control. Students examine common theories, principles and practices behind project management. Students also participate in lab-based activities to develop competencies in the project management cycle from inception (project charter) to closing.

FIN3004 Finance

The discipline of Finance examines financial planning strategies used by individuals, firms, and governments, to manage and maximize wealth. In this course, students will be introduced to tools and strategies used by individuals and firms when making investment and other financial decisions. Time and risk factors in the valuation of individual securities such as stocks and bonds, and corporate investments decisions, are examined. Through case studies and other application activities, students develop sample strategies which could be used to maximize personal and organizational wealth.

MGT2014 Management Information Systems

Leveraging information systems for making informed strategic decisions is a key aspect of current business practice. Students practice analytical skills aligning information systems with organizational strategies for achieving improved business performance. Through the use of case studies, students examine business-related problems and develop skills in detailing potential solutions and making recommendations. Students also explore techniques of information systems planning, resource management and new technology solutions.

MGT2015 Managing Small and Medium Enterprises

Setting up and managing small and medium size enterprises require a great deal of knowledge and experience. Students in this course conduct feasibility studies to determine the viability of their business opportunity, examine start-up options and analyze key managerial functions for operations. Other topic areas include legal structure options, production, marketing and human resource management, financial management, ethics and social responsibility. Students also examine how new innovative research could expand or initiate new business opportunities. Practical business skills include developing a business plan, creating a strategic plan and analyzing compliance issues related to federal and provincial trades-related regulations. Government resources available to small and medium sized enterprises are also explored.

MGT4002 Operations Management

This course introduces the students to the purpose of Operations Management. Students learn to use a variety of tools and techniques to manage and improve the creation of goods/ services, where the input is transformed to output with an emphasis on Lean Philosophy. Students explore more about Operations Management concepts by visiting selected organizations.

MGT4700 Capstone Applied Research Project 1

The ability to make informed decision is a quality necessary for business success. Students will acquire an appreciation for the processes that go into conducting research related to their specific trades and/or business. They will be exposed to skills on how to identify and establish parameters for trades-related research and how to apply such information to product or service development and management.

Pre-requisites: ACC2003 AND GED2006 AND GED4000 AND HRM4101 AND LAW2015 AND MGT3500 AND MKT3501

MKT4704 Trades Marketing

Having a competitive advantage is a major determinant of business success. In this course, learners will acquire the relevant skills to identify and appreciate processes for achieving a competitive advantage. They will learn to manage marketing information, conduct environmental scans and evaluate results using criteria related to financial viability. Learners will establish their presence in electronic media, and/or plan, build and launch their own trades / business website as appropriate. They will also develop a comprehensive marketing plan with associated implementation strategies and timelines.

Pre-requisites: MKT3501

BUS4107 International Business

Students in this course are introduced to the different levels of involvement in international business. The impacts of different forces such as culture, economics, politics, and geography on international business decision-making are analyzed. Topics covered include: globalization, international business entry modes, risk analysis, human resource management, financing, marketing, and international production/distribution. Application of theories and concepts in course activities enable students to practice the process involved in planning and executing international ventures.

MGT2012 Negotiation Strategies

A core entrepreneurial and managerial skill is the ability to professionally sell and effectively negotiate in a wide range of business situations to maximize value. Students develop the ability and confidence to negotiate a win-win situation regarding deal making, employment discussions, corporate team building, labour-management discussions, contracts, and handling disputes. Students develop an advanced level of professional selling and negotiating skills.

Careers & Pathways


Graduates of this program may elect self-employment as a small business owner or find leadership roles in the trades-related fields as business managers, project managers, quality control managers, maintenance and trades managers as well as service-related managers.


Please use our Pathways tool to search for pathway options.

Learning Outcomes

The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to:

  1. Support business objectives by leveraging the interdependencies of functional business units including human resources, marketing, finance and accounting.
  2. Conduct research to support strategic and operational decisions.
  3. Deploy strategic planning techniques to ensure competitive advantage in the Trades industry.
  4. Apply relevant project and risk management principles and tools to the management of trade businesses.
  5. Identify opportunities and address challenges in trades' businesses using creative and innovative approaches.
  6. Apply principles of management to the operation of trade's business ventures.
  7. Plan, implement and manage marketing of trades-related products or services to foster business growth.
  8. Comply with relevant laws, regulations, policies, ethical principles, and industry practices and standards.
  9. Select and use appropriate software and other technologies to meet business goals.
  10. Interpret financial information using management accounting concepts and apply to strategic decision-making.
  11. Identify and apply discipline specific practices that contribute to the local and global community through cultural diversity, social responsibility, economic commitment and environmental stewardship.

Tuition & Fees

2024/2025 Academic Year

Tuition and related ancillary fees for this program can be viewed by using the Tuition and Fees Estimator tool at

Further information on fees can be found by visiting the Registrar's Office website at

Fees are subject to change.

Additional program related expenses include:
For further information regarding your books, please visit

Admissions Requirements

All applicants must satisfy both College Eligibility and Program Eligibility requirements.

College Eligibility

  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent.
  • Mature students are applicants who have not achieved the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or its equivalent and who are at least 19 years of age on or before the commencement of the program in which they intend to enroll. Mature students applying for Degree programs satisfy College Eligibility by having demonstrated academic abilities equivalent to those of Ontario high school graduates, verified by successful completion of at least one full-time term at the post-secondary level (minimum five courses taken concurrently in an academic program of study).

Program Eligibility

  • Graduates from Business - Trades Ontario College Diploma with Grade Point Averages of 2.7 and two years of related work experience are eligible to enter into Year 2, Level 04 of the degree program.
  • Eligibility Package submission details can be found on the Algonquin College Additional Admission Requirements website:

Application Information

Pathway for Business - Trades
Program Code 6800B03PAO

Applications to full-time day programs must be submitted with official transcripts showing completion of the academic admission requirements through:
60 Corporate Court
Guelph, Ontario N1G 5J3

Students currently enrolled in an Ontario secondary school should notify their Guidance Office prior to their online application at

Applications for Fall Term and Winter Term admission received by February 1 will be given equal consideration. Applications received after February 1 will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis as long as places are available.

International applicants please visit this link for application process information:

For further information on the admissions process, contact:

Registrar's Office
Algonquin College
1385 Woodroffe Ave
Ottawa, ON K2G 1V8
Telephone: 613-727-0002
Toll-free: 1-800-565-4723
TTY: 613-727-7766
Fax: 613-727-7632

Additional Information

Program Resources

Algonquin College has been granted consent by the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities to offer this applied degree for a seven-year term starting May 10, 2021. The College shall ensure that all students admitted to the above-named program during the period of consent have the opportunity to complete the program within a reasonable timeframe.

An integral component of the program is mandatory field experience. Students are required to complete a minimum of 420 hours (equivalent to 14 weeks) of a paid co-op experience either in one block or in multiple cumulative blocks. Through this opportunity, you will gain business experience in a real environment, often in a trades-related organization to enhance your professional development.

Please note: if you are currently working in the trades-related industry with a relevant scope of responsibilities (aligned to the learning of the program) you may have the opportunity to use your current work experience towards your 420 required hours.

For additional information, please contact AC Online at or 613-727-4723 ext. 3330.


Future Students

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Current Students

For additional information, please reference the AC Online Circle of Care.

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