Business Administration - Accounting

Specialize with a challenging and rewarding career in accounting.

  • Eligible graduates can take advantage of a partnership with Nipissing University to complete a Bachelor of Commerce degree with one additional year of full-time study right here at Ottawa campus
  • Become proficient in current financial accounting software used in industry
  • Courses are built with flexibility in mind and can be accessed anytime and from anywhere

Program Availability and Schedule



Given the part-time delivery of this program, there is not a standard schedule for all learners.

Program Summary


Ontario College Advanced Diploma (See overview for details)

Program Code

Area of Interest


Other Campuses


Earn a flexible diploma that shows you are aware of all areas of business and that you also, have specialized education in accounting.

Accounting is one of three majors available to Business Administration students. This Ontario College Advanced Diploma program starts with three semesters learning a variety of essential business skills before ultimately deciding on a Major....(read more)


Specialize with a challenging and rewarding career in accounting.

Earn a flexible diploma that shows you are aware of all areas of business and that you also, have specialized education in accounting.

Accounting is one of three majors available to Business Administration students. This Ontario College Advanced Diploma program starts with three semesters learning a variety of essential business skills before ultimately deciding on a Major.

The program prepares you for a challenging and rewarding career in the accounting industry. Accounting is often referred to as the backbone of business - businesses need skilled accountants to monitor financial accounts in order to operate effectively and efficiently.

This program enables you to provide businesses with the complete and accurate financial picture they need to thrive.

Study all major areas of accounting including:

  • financial accounting
  • managerial accounting
  • taxation
  • financial management

Practice recording financial transactions, preparing/presenting financial statements, reports and other documents, and using current accounting software.

You may find employment in both the public and private sectors in roles such as:

  • accounting assistant
  • accounting associate
  • accounting clerk
  • junior financial analyst
  • junior staff accountant

There are opportunities in a variety of work environments, including:

  • accounting firms
  • small- and medium-sized businesses
  • service organizations
  • government departments
  • financial institutions

Students considering a professional accounting designation are advised to make inquiries with the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario (CPA Ontario).

To qualify for this advanced diploma, you must complete the program within eight years.


This program is well-suited for students who:

  • Have strong numeracy skills and can apply, interpret and communicate mathematical information.
  • Possess critical-thinking skills.
  • Enjoy solving (business) problems.
  • Are detail-oriented, organized and committed to achieving excellence in their work.
  • Enjoy working in an office environment.


Registration Note:

If you would like to take courses individually or start the program part time, you are not required to apply to the program. You can register for up to three courses per term by clicking on the course title and selecting "Register Online".

OnlineDistance Education   
HoursCourse NameSummer
Series: 01
BUS230142.0Business Computer ApplicationsDistance Education
ECO230542.0MicroeconomicsDistance Education
ENL1813B42.0Communications IDistance Education
LAW170242.0Business LawDistance Education
MGT231942.0Skills for Academic & Business SuccessDistance Education
QUA000242.0Business MathematicsDistance Education
Series: 02
ACC231042.0Accounting Concepts IDistance Education
BUS230342.0Database & Advanced Excel ConceptsDistance Education
ECO230642.0MacroeconomicsDistance Education
ENL1823B42.0Communications IIDistance Education
MGT232842.0Introduction to Management FundamentalsDistance Education
QUA000342.0Quantitative Methods IDistance Education
Series: 03
ACC231342.0Accounting Concepts IIDistance Education
BAI230042.0Global Business EnvironmentDistance Education
FIN230342.0Introduction to FinanceDistance Education
MGT232042.0Material and Operations ManagementDistance Education
MGT238142.0Human Resources ManagementDistance Education
MKT231742.0MarketingDistance Education
Series: 04
ACC234184.0Financial AccountingDistance Education
ACC234356.0Spreadsheet ApplicationsDistance Education
ENL182942.0The Art of OratoryDistance Education
FIN230442.0Business FinanceDistance Education
QUA234342.0Quantitative Methods IIDistance Education
Series: 05
ACC234456.0TaxationDistance Education
ACC235384.0Intermediate Financial Accounting 1Distance Education
ACC235456.0Managerial Accounting IDistance Education
ACC238556.0Accounting Software ApplicationsDistance Education
English General Education Elective: choose 1
ENL172542.0Canadian IdentityCanadian Identity

There are no classes currently scheduled for this course.

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ENL172642.0Symbols, Text and MeaningSymbols, Text and Meaning

There are no classes currently scheduled for this course.

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ENL179842.0Contemporary Canadian IssuesDistance Education
ENL182542.0Communication DynamicsCommunication Dynamics

There are no classes currently scheduled for this course.

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Series: 06
ACC235556.0Managerial Accounting 2Distance Education
ACC236384.0Intermediate Financial Accounting 2Distance Education
ACC236756.0Business StrategiesDistance Education
ACC236856.0Accounting Capstone StudiesDistance Education
Choose one from equivalencies:
GED021642.0General Education ElectiveGeneral Education Elective

There are no classes currently scheduled for this course.

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Approved Other Electives
MGT100056.0Approved Course - Other Program Or MajorApproved Course - Other Program Or Major

There are no classes currently scheduled for this course.

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MGT100156.0Approved Course - Other Program Or MajorApproved Course - Other Program Or Major

There are no classes currently scheduled for this course.

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BUS2301 Business Computer Applications

The knowledge gained in this course provides students with a solid foundation for future learning in other studies, and in business. Students learn a variety of tasks in Windows file management. Students also learn tasks and produce assignments in Microsoft Office for PC. Web-based software running computer-based simulations and assessments are used to support and enrich the learning experience. It is strongly recommended that students use a PC. Mac students may be required to install and learn additional software to successfully complete the course.

ECO2305 Microeconomics

Knowledge of contemporary microeconomics issues is essential to understanding the world we live in. Students examine fundamental microeconomic principles with an emphasis on the use of economic models to analyze economic developments accurately and objectively. Students examine the role of prices and competitive markets in the allocation of resources, firm behaviour and market structures, as well as evaluate the effects of government intervention in the economic marketplace.

ENL1813B Communications I

Communication remains an essential skill sought by employers, regardless of discipline or field of study. Using a practical, vocation-oriented approach, students develop stronger grammar and business-writing skills to become effective business communicators. Through a combination of lectures, exercises, and independent learning, students practise writing, speaking, reading, listening, locating and documenting information, and using technology to communicate professionally. Students develop and strengthen communication skills that contribute to success in both educational and workplace environments.

LAW1702 Business Law

Students are prepared for a business environment increasingly affected by laws. They learn how laws must be understood and applied by management in the conduct of business. They also learn how to analyze a business situation from a general legal perspective. Emphasis is placed on methods of dispute resolution, contracts, torts, employment law, methods of carrying on business, creditors' rights, sale of goods and marketing law.

MGT2319 Skills for Academic & Business Success

Business and higher education have evolved and so have the skills necessary to succeed in these new and dynamic environments. Students explore the strategies, tools, and theories needed to thrive throughout their college career and chosen professions. Reflections, workshops, mini-lectures, and learning activities support the holistic development of each student. A focus is placed on establishing effective habits as a team member and developing self-awareness.

QUA0002 Business Mathematics

Students review basic arithmetic and algebra, as well as mathematic tools and concepts required for solving problems found in a business environment. Problem-solving areas include cost-volume-profit analysis, linear functions and systems of equations, index numbers, markup and markdowns, terms of invoicing and business finance.

ACC2310 Accounting Concepts I

Students are provided with the basics of financial accounting whether they are interested in becoming a practitioner or are looking to broaden their knowledge of how to properly interpret financial information. Emphasis is on what accounting information is, understanding the accounting cycle, recording transactions, and the preparation and analysis of financial statements.

BUS2303 Database & Advanced Excel Concepts

Databases and data analysis are pervasive in today's work environments. Students study advanced Excel topics, including pivot tables, filters, tables, what-if analysis tools, data validation and error checking and preparing Excel data for use in databases. Students also learn how to design and use a database using Microsoft Access, and import data from Excel. Emphasis is on extracting information from Access databases by creating and using queries. A combination of lectures, practical demonstrations, in-class and out of class assignments and review simulations contribute to the students' learning experience. Mac students, please note that Microsoft Access will not run on a Mac without additional software.

Pre-requisites: BUS2301 or DAT5758

ECO2306 Macroeconomics

Knowledge of contemporary macroeconomic issues is essential to understanding the world we live in. Students investigate fundamental macroeconomics principles with an emphasis on the use of economic models to analyze economic developments accurately and objectively. Through a combination of instruction and practical application, students examine unemployment, inflation and economic growth, as well as evaluate government use of fiscal and monetary policy in dealing with these key macroeconomic issues. In addition, Canada's international economic relationships are explored. Individual assignments and formal examinations are used to assess student knowledge of key objectives.

ENL1823B Communications II

Students continue to expand their practical writing and speaking skills for successful communication in business. Using real-life scenarios and research skills, they produce informal reports and proposals, deliver presentations to a live audience supported by technology, and create a job-search package. Students create professional documents, such as information reports, progress reports, justification/recommendation reports, summary reports, and minutes of meetings to develop up-to-date writing skills. The job search package includes employment-readiness skills, resumes, persuasive cover letters, and interview techniques. In all written work, students continue to develop and enhance their grammar skills to meet professional, workplace standards.

Pre-requisites: ENL1813B

MGT2328 Introduction to Management Fundamentals

Today's business owners and managers must not only recognize but excel in achieving organizational objectives for long term business success. This course examines the fundamental people and business management functions within a small to medium-sized enterprise, including best-practices related to recruitment, selection, onboarding, compensation, performance development, performance management, and leading a diverse workforce. Students will review the underlying management functions that support effective business operations within the framework of federal and provincial employment law. Learning is applied through the completion of a simulation, case studies, and a major project where students examine various organizational strategies leading to effective decision making and achievement of business objectives. Upon successful completion of this course, students will understand how to create a work culture that supports innovation and change.

QUA0003 Quantitative Methods I

Mathematical methods are used in fields such as finance, marketing, accounting and operations management in order to help make reasonable business decisions. Students are introduced to basic statistical measures of central tendencies and dispersions. Students use basic probability and different probability distribution to problem-solve. Decision theory is used to solve problems in situations of certainty and uncertainty. Students study the components of time series and make forecasts. Students apply course content within Excel functions.

Pre-requisites: QUA0002

ACC2313 Accounting Concepts II

Students are introduced to and explore the background, goals and methods of managerial accounting and its role in business planning, control and decision-making. Key workplace skills involve the ability to plan direct control and to evaluate and extrapolate key accounting data. Topics covered include product costing, cost behaviour, cost-volume-profit analysis, profit planning, differential analysis and budgeting. Curriculum is delivered in lecture and hands-on problem-solving formats.

Pre-requisites: ACC2201 or ACC2310

BAI2300 Global Business Environment

As the global economy continues to change rapidly, and as the number of international trade agreements grows, trade barriers come down and Canadian companies and entrepreneurs must have a clear understanding of the effects of globalization and ensuing opportunities. The forces defining the international economy are examined and the skills that global business professionals require in order to succeed today internationally are introduced. Students learn the major components of international trade of products and services, including marketing, market entry strategies, supply chain management, trade finance, legal aspects of international business and international management. The subject of foreign direct investment is also introduced.

FIN2303 Introduction to Finance

Building a solid understanding of personal finance is crucial for students who intend to choose the Finance major in the Business Administration (BUAD) program. Students acquire knowledge of the personal financial planning process, statements, taxation, banking, borrowing and investing through in class discussions and activities. Students solve time value of money (TVM) questions for saving, investing, financing and retirement funding using a calculator. These skills will be useful for everyday life situations involving money management and are the foundation for future courses in the finance major program.

MGT2320 Material and Operations Management

Operations managers make tactical decisions in support of carrying out the vision and strategies for businesses in the supply chain and/or in service production. Students are introduced to the responsibilities and current tools of operations and supply chain managers in manufacturing and non-manufacturing organizations. Topics include quality management, layout management, location, inventory management, MRP and ERP, and JIT/Lean.

MGT2381 Human Resources Management

Human capital is a critical organizational resource contributing to the organizational strategy and operational success through progressive human resources management. Students are introduced to human resources management areas of practice including the role of human resources management within the organizational strategic context, human resources planning, employee recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation and benefits, and employee and labour relations. Furthermore, students are introduced to occupational health and safety, international human resources management, organizational behaviour, and relevant legislation.

MKT2317 Marketing

Students are provided an overview of the marketing functions used in an organization, which serves to support them in their chosen business career. Students learn the strategic market planning process in both the business-to-consumer and business-to-business market areas. Elements of their learning include environmental scanning, the ability to identify and segment markets, understanding buyer behaviours and the importance of marketing research. This results in the understanding of a coordinated marketing program (product, price, promotion and distribution channels). The relationship marketing has with other business functions and environments in which organizations' marketing professionals operate is also examined. These concepts are viewed within the context of traditional and e-business consumer and business markets.

ACC2341 Financial Accounting

This course builds a base of knowledge and understanding required for a career in accounting, or to succeed in further related studies. Students explore the basic standards and concepts of current accounting principles and its underlying effects on an organization's financial reports. Included are concepts related to the completion of the accounting cycle and the preparation and analysis of financial accounting statements. The course includes an emphasis on the Balance Sheet and its various assets, liabilities, and equity accounts, as well as the Income Statement and the Cash Flow Statement.

Pre-requisites: ACC2201 or ACC2310 AND ACC2313

ACC2343 Spreadsheet Applications

Students enhance their knowledge of spreadsheets learned in BUS2301. Using Microsoft Excel, students explore some of the more advanced Excel features, such as financial functions, charts, logical functions, pivot tables, lists and look-up tables. These spreadsheet concepts are explored through Excel-based lectures and hybrid activities including learning resource applications.

Pre-requisites: ACC1100 AND ACC1207 AND BUS2301 or ACC2201 AND BUS2301 or ACC2310 AND BUS2301

ENL1829 The Art of Oratory

From ghost stories around the campfire to political speeches by world leaders, ethical oratory plays a significant role in human interaction. Students examine the social significance of public speaking while developing a deeper understanding of the theory, science, elements of form, and persuasive devices underlying this art. Building on their own stories, students prepare, deliver, and critique group workshops, as well as design, deliver, and critique individual presentations.

FIN2304 Business Finance

Small Business owners and managers need to make informed financial decisions daily. Students explore advanced financial topics, including calculating effective rates, yields, and the cost of capital, as well as evaluating bond and equity prices, yield to maturity, and cash flow values. They also develop skills in financial statement analysis to assess cash flow, tax obligations, growth potential, and external financial requirements. Students use financial calculators and spreadsheets, participate in discussions, analyze real-world financial statements, and work through case studies, developing their problem-solving and financial acumen.

QUA2343 Quantitative Methods II

Students are introduced to the normal probability distribution and its application. They use sampling distribution techniques to become familiar with quantitative tools for management, such as interval estimation and hypothesis testing for one and two populations. Students also learn to use forecasting tools, such as simple regression and correlation analysis, to form the basis of predicting future values.

Pre-requisites: QUA0003 or QUA2313

ACC2344 Taxation

Accurate completion of personal and corporate tax returns using current tax software is an essential employment-related skill. Using a variety of methods including tax cases, lectures and internet research, students prepare a comprehensive personal and corporate Canadian tax return using a professional tax software program. Basic principles of tax planning and compliance with relevant tax legislation and regulations are stressed. It is strongly recommended that students use a Windows-based laptop (not a Mac).

Pre-requisites: ACC2202 AND ACC2209 or ACC2341

ACC2353 Intermediate Financial Accounting 1

Students expand their accounting knowledge by focusing on the structure and purpose of financial statement presentation and disclosure under IFRS and ASPE. Particular focus is placed on the measurement and presentation of current assets such as cash, receivables, inventories and investments, as well as emphasizing revenue recognition under GAAP. Students demonstrate their professional competencies during in-class discussion, completion of assigned exercises and in-depth assignments.

Pre-requisites: ACC2202 AND ACC2209 or ACC2341

ACC2354 Managerial Accounting I

This is the first of two managerial accounting courses. The course provides students with key workplace skills by exploring the background, goals and methods of managerial accounting. Specific topic areas include product costing, manufacturing statements, job order costing and activity-based costing. Decision-making tools, including cost-volume-profit analysis and contribution analysis, are extensively used. The current business focus on quality and business ethics is related to most topic areas. The curriculum is delivered in lecture, case and problem-solving format.

Pre-requisites: ACC2202 AND ACC2209 or ACC2233 or ACC2341

ACC2385 Accounting Software Applications

It is a workplace expectation that students are comfortable using accounting software on a day-to-day basis. Students gain practical experience using computerized accounting software to record transactions and prepare financial statements. Curriculum is delivered in lecture format and by hands-on completion of cases using accounting software. A Windows-based laptop (not a Mac) is strongly recommended.

Pre-requisites: ACC2202 or ACC2341

ENL1798 Contemporary Canadian Issues

A critical understanding of contemporary Canadian issues is vital to being an active member in our democratic society. Students explore a variety of topics and analyze their ethical implications and relevance to Canadian life. Discussions, debates and other collaborative activities offer opportunities to consider recent controversies from different perspectives, and use of a variety of media (e.g. newspapers, articles, and other resources online) allows for in-depth reflection on the history and current state of a range of social and political topics.

ACC2355 Managerial Accounting 2

This is the second of two managerial accounting courses. Students learn key workplace skills by exploring the background, goals, and methods of managerial accounting. Specific topic areas include budgeting, financial statement analysis, and performance evaluation. Decision-making tools, including relevant costing, are extensively used. The current business focus on ethics is related to most topic areas. The curriculum is delivered in lecture, case, and problem-solving format.

Pre-requisites: ACC2234 AND ACC2343 or ACC2343 AND ACC2354

ACC2363 Intermediate Financial Accounting 2

Students complete their coverage of financial accounting by focusing on financial elements such as property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, liabilities, shareholders' equity,taxes, leases, and the statement of cash flows. Particular attention is focused on the presentation, measurement, and disclosure under IFRS and ASPE. Students demonstrate their professional competencies during in-class discussion, completion of assigned exercises and in-depth assignments.

Pre-requisites: ACC2353

ACC2367 Business Strategies

The development of critical-thinking skills is essential for students looking for a career beyond the bookkeeping level. Students learn important principles and concepts that are essential for the formulation, evaluation, and implementation of business strategy and policy. Students are provided an awareness of company goals and analysis of the competitive environment. Curriculum is delivered via lectures, case and group work.

Pre-requisites: ACC2202 AND ACC2209 AND ACC2234 or ACC2341 AND ACC2354

ACC2368 Accounting Capstone Studies

Students develop hands-on career skills by completing weekly tasks that simulate the day-to-day operations of a typical accounting department. An industry-based practical approach to career development is used.

Pre-requisites: ACC2353 AND ACC2354 AND ACC2385

Careers & Pathways


Graduates may find employment in both the public and private sectors as an accounting assistant; accounting associate; accounting clerk; junior financial analyst and junior staff accountant.


Please note: There may be more pathways available for this program than are listed here. Please use our Pathways search tool to see every option.

Learning Outcomes

The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to:

  1. Record financial transactions in compliance with Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for sole proprietorships, partnerships, private enterprises, publicly accountable enterprises and non-profit organizations.
  2. Prepare and present financial statements, reports and other documents in compliance with Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for sole proprietorships, partnerships and private enterprises.
  3. Contribute to strategic decision-making by applying advanced management accounting concepts.
  4. Prepare individuals` and Canadian-controlled private corporations` income tax returns and individuals` basic tax planning in compliance with relevant legislation and regulations.
  5. Analyze and evaluate organizational structures and the interdependence of functional areas, and contribute to the development of strategies which positively impact financial performance.
  6. Analyze and evaluate, within a Canadian context, the impact of economic variables, legislation, ethics, technological advances and the environment on an organization`s operations.
  7. Analyze and evaluate an organization`s internal control system, taking risk management into account.
  8. Contribute to strategic decision-making by applying advanced financial management concepts.
  9. Co-ordinate the planning, implementation, management and evaluation of team projects by applying project management principles.
  10. Identify and apply discipline-specific practices that contribute to the local and global community through social responsibility, economic commitment and environmental stewardship.

Tuition & Fees

2024/2025 Academic Year

Fees are subject to change.

Fees for part-time programs are charged on a course-by-course basis and are published on each individual course page. For questions related to fees, please call the Registrar`s Office at 613-727-0002.

Graduation Fee:
Once you have completed all the courses in the program, it is the responsibility of the student to complete a credential application ( A graduation fee is charged when the application is submitted. After your credential application has been approved, you will be invited to Convocation.

Additional program related expenses include:
Books and supplies cost approximately $750 per level. For more information go to

Admissions Requirements

All applicants must satisfy both College Eligibility and Program Eligibility requirements.

College Eligibility

The following requirements are recommended to ensure success in the program:

  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent; OR
  • Academic and Career Entrance (ACE) certificate; OR
  • General Educational Development (GED) certificate; OR
  • Mature Student status (19 years of age or older and without a high school diploma at the start of the program).

Program Eligibility

The following requirements are recommended to ensure success in the program:

  • English, Grade 12 (ENG4C or equivalent).
  • Mathematics, Grade 12 (MAP4C or equivalent).
  • It is recommended applicants with international transcripts have the following IELTS or TOEFL scores to ensure success: IELTS-International English Language Testing Service (Academic) Overall band of 6.0 with a minimum of 5.5 in each band; OR TOEFL-Internet-based (iBT) Overall 80, with a minimum of 20 in each component: Reading 20; Listening 20; Speaking 20; Writing 20; OR Duolingo English Test (DET) Overall 110, minimum of 110 in Literacy and no score below 95.

Application Information

Registration Note:

If you would like to take courses individually or start the program part time, you are not required to apply to the program. You can register for up to three courses per term by clicking on the course title and selecting "Register Online".

Additional Information

Program Resources

International students wishing to study online should visit for information related to International online students and for International fees information prior to registering. Please note that AC Online programs do not qualify international students for new study permits or study permit extensions.

Students having Ontario high school Accounting course BAT4M with a grade of 75% or better may receive a transfer credit for Accounting Concepts I (ACC2310). Completion of a Transfer of Academic Credit via ACSIS is required.

For students considering advancing their accounting education, this program provides some degree articulation opportunities (see

Students interested in pursuing a professional, recognized accounting designation are advised to check with the relevant accounting body website, and to continue to check these websites on regular basis for updates.

CPA Ontario website:

As a pre-requisite of entering this major, the student must achieve a minimum grade of C in the Level 2 and 3 accounting courses - Accounting Concepts I (ACC2310) and Accounting Concepts II (ACC2313).

Courses appearing to be unavailable online (during the registration period) may have substitute courses which are taken instead. If you are a full-time student, you are automatically put into those courses; if you are part-time, please contact AC Online for the current substitutions and links to these courses.

The Academic Planner provides registered part-time students the ability to declare into a program of study. The Academic Planner outlines successfully completed courses to date, as well as courses that need to be completed in order to meet graduation requirements. It is therefore essential that all part-time students declare to their program of study, allowing administrators to plan course offerings. The tool is available on ACSIS,located under `Part-time Students`on the left-hand toolbar.

Students who wish to apply for PLAR need to demonstrate competency at a post-secondary level in all of the course learning requirements. Evidence of learning achievements for PLAR candidates may include a comprehensive challenge examination and/or completion of a portfolio.

As per policy AA39: Program Progression and Graduation Requirements when students are admitted to a program, they are assigned to the Program of Study that aligns with their start date. If a student takes a break for two or more consecutive terms the Program of Study is reset to align with the current version (when studies are resumed).

This program is also available full-time on-campus.


Future Students

For additional information, please contact our Customer Service Representative team at and they will direct you to the best person to answer your specific questions.

Current Students

For additional information, please reference the AC Online Circle of Care.

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