Session 1
Doing More With Less - how to capitalize on shifting boundaries in Corporate Responsibility
Keynote Speaker: Bruce Piascki , President and Founder, AHC Group
This keynote speech builds from arguments of Bruce Piascki’s new book and describes principles of how to compete on sustainability. He will lay out the case that modern, global, competition calls for the arts of competitive frugality, a new efficiency based on inventiveness and diplomacy rather than war and waste. He will provide a colorful abundance of stories, tales and asides from his 30 years as a management consultant for some of the largest and most inventive firms in the world. He will outline the new way to wealth based on his latest book (eight so far) skillfully explaining how success in the near future is based on the principle of frugality. In the process, this new age Ben Franklin provides attendees with the framework to look at their firm, their families, and their friends without tottering towards debt, failure, and insignificance.