Tuesday, November 6th, 2012 | Algonquin College, Ottawa

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It’s inspiring, it’s expressive, it’s enlightening, and it’s about community.

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CAYFO in collaboration with the 2012 CCSR Conference is proud to present...


a youth social enterprise competition

As we all know, going out on your own and starting a business is no small feat. It requires tremendous amounts of confidence, strength, business sense, skill and sheer determination. The entrepreneur needs to be willing to leave it all on the line; blood, sweat and tears. Add in an entrepreneur's dedication to philanthropy, a group of amazing business-minded youth and community leaders excited to support, and you’ve got a combination like no other.

Welcome to the 2nd Annual hosting of “The Lizards’ Den”; now a full workshop during the 2012 CCSR Conference!

“I’m encouraging young people to become social business entrepreneurs and contribute to the world, rather than just making money. Making money is no fun. Contributing to and changing the world is a lot more fun.” - Muhammad Yunus

Competition Overview:

Event Format:

Entry Requirements:

Dates, Deadlines and Details:

If you have any questions at all, contact mandi.duhamel@cayfo.ca!

Get your application in today @ www.cayfo.ca!

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