Tom Rand
Tom Rand has a long career as a successful technology entrepreneur and venture capitalist. He is a Senior Advisor at the prestigious MaRS Discovery District in Toronto, Canada having founded the MaRS Cleantech Practice in 2009. Currently Rand is Managing Partner of the MaRS Cleantech Fund, a venture capital fund aimed at next-generation clean energy technology.
Rand sits on the Board of a number of corporations and not-for-profits .He has a degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Waterloo, an MSc in the Philosophy of Science from the University of London, and an MA and PhD in Philosophy from the University of Toronto, and is an Action Canada Fellow. He is the award-winning author of Kick the Fossil Fuel Habit: 10 Clean Technologies to Save Our World, and a sought-after public speaker.
Rand describes himself as “doing what I can, with what I’ve got, to stop our gallop toward a very hot place”. For more on Rand see