David Hale
Dave Hale is a young but highly experienced entrepreneur who specializes in developing digital business strategies for some of Canada’s most respected brands. Since founding Soshal Group, an Ottawa-based digital marketing and innovation agency, in 2010, Dave and his team have been recognized as one of Canada’s most respected digital firms and count United Way Centraide Canada, Canadian Hockey League, and Canadian Medical Association as clients.
Recognized as one of Canada’s Top 20 Future Entrepreneurial Leaders Under 30 by Profit Magazine in 2011 and one of Marketing Magazine's Top 30 Under 30 in 2012, Dave is also active in his community. Outside of the office, Dave sits on the Social Media Committee for the Children’s Hospital of Easter Ontario (CHEO), on the Board of Directors for the Ottawa Community Loan Fund (OCLF), and regularly speaks to groups of students and professionals on topics ranging from youth entrepreneurship to the future of digital technology.
Dave also writes a column for the Ottawa Business Journal where he discusses digital marketing, social media, and technology and is often a guest contributor to media brands like the Financial Post and CBC Radio.