Thinking about pursuing a degree? Pondering going to college? Can’t make up your mind? Don’t! You can earn a degree and go to college at the same time. And that’s not all; if you’re still mulling over university or college, this article is for you.
A degree? At college?
No, your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you: you can get a degree at college. College degrees are equal to (and sometimes better than) university degrees. Employers value the combination of theory and practical hands-on experience which is why Algonquin College has over 17 degree options to choose from. Ranging from Automation and Robotics to Interior Design, there’s a degree program for you here. If that sounds too good to be true, hold on to your socks ‘cause it only gets better.
Bigger isn’t better
Afraid you’ll be lost in the crowd? Don’t sweat it. At Algonquin College, bigger doesn’t always mean better. We believe that learning is a lot easier when you can ask questions freely and get to know your fellow classmates. That’s why our degree classes have an average of 32 students. Flagging down your prof and making friends has never been so simple.
The real deal
Speaking of profs, you’ll be learning from the best of the best: real industry professionals. This is a huge advantage since they’ll be able to teach you the ins and outs of your field. They’ve been through the wringer a few times and know their way around the place so strap in while they show you the ropes.
Best of both worlds
College is the perfect marriage of theory and practice. If you learn things more easily through an interactive, hands-on approach, you’ll love it here. Whether you’re in the nursing program or digital marketing program, you’ll be able to build, create, invent, and more. You’ll learn through experience and experience through learning.
Cash money, honey
While we’re on the topic of experience, did we mention that most of our degree programs have paid co-op terms? Yessiree! Students can earn upwards of $10,000 per work-term and get an “in” in the field they’re passionate about. Co-op terms are a great opportunity to hone your skills, network and maybe even land a permanent position before you graduate. Colleges, on average, have a much higher employment rate than universities.
No pressure
Both paths lead down the same winding road. Be it college or university, both will land you a career in the industry you’re passionate about but just know that, whatever path you take, we’ll be cheering you on from the sidelines. You’re going to do great things, we know it.
Chelsie McHugh is a graduate of the Advertising and Marketing Communications program at Algonquin College. She’s a funny, fiery redhead with a passion for writing.