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Workday Support

Workday 2025R1 Feature Release

Workday’s spring feature update, known as 2025R1, was released on Saturday, March 15, 2025, bringing enhancements to the Workday and Adaptive Planning user experience. Read about some of the changes that you will see and how they will improve your Workday experience.

Other changes in the update won’t be visible to users but will enhance performance, accessibility, and system security.

Updated user guides on the Resources Page can be identified with the comment “Effective March 15, 2025”. The user guides on the FIN Adaptive Planning Resources Teams site have also been updated as applicable.

If you have any questions about these changes, contact Workday Support at workdaysupport@algonquincollege.com.

Top 8 Most Asked Questions

  1. Q: Can I use the Workday mobile app?
    A: Workday has a mobile app that can be used on iOS/Android phones and tablets. See the installation instructions for more information.

  2. Q: How do I update personal information (address, postal code, etc.)?
    A: Here is how to update your personal information: Maintain Personal Information

  3. Q: How do I update my banking info?
    A: Here is how to update your banking information: Payment Elections (Direct Deposit)

  4. Q: I’m having Workday login Issues, and I need help
    A: Please review the “Common Questions: Accessing Workday” post located here: Submit a Service Request

  5. Q: How do I enroll my dependents in my benefits plan?
    A: You can add dependents by following the steps on page 5 of Manage Benefits and Dependents

  6. Q: How can I set up email notifications in Workday when I have documents in my Workday inbox?
    A: Instructions on how you can set up Workday email notifications can be found here: Setting Up Outlook Notifications for Approvals, Delegation Changes, and Tasks

  7. Q: How can I view my contracts in Workday?
    A: Here is how to view contracts and other Workday documents: View My Documents

  8. Q: How can I view my time-off balances in days rather than hours (Full-Time Only)?
    A: Here is how to view time-off balances in days: View Time Off Balances in Days (Full-Time Employees)

Additional user guides can be found here: Workday User guides

If you have any trouble please feel free to submit a service request by e-mailing Workdaysupport@algonquincollege.com