
Stretch at your Desk! (Routine Plan provided)

Everyone knows that sitting for long periods of time is bad for your body and your mind. Tightness in the shoulder, neck, and back often leads to fatigue, injury, soreness, and lack of mobility. It’s a casualty of the modern desk job.

Good flexibility allows a muscle to lengthen and the joints to operate through a full range of motion. Getting the blood flowing helps you stay fresh with creativity, boosts energy and helps your body work more efficiently. Many of us don’t have the opportunity to get up and move around as often as we should. Here are 12 simple stretches you can do while sitting to improve your mind and body.

A Exercise 1 (6)A Exercise 2 and 4A Exercise 3 (1)
A Exercise 4A Exercise 5 (1)
A Exercise 6 (1)A Exercise 7 (2)A Exercise 8 (1)A Exercise 9 (1)A Exercise 10A Exercise 11 (4)A Exercise 12 (2)

Mind Your Mind – Things to do on your break to keep you productive

How do you spend your lunch break? Is it spent doing work? Do you even take a break?

Breaks are important, as they recharge our minds and keep us from crashing too early. Using your breaks to their fullest can keep you on your toes for the rest of your day, keep you productive, and most of all: keep you well!

General Tips

  • Actually take a break! Step away from your work, and avoid taking working lunches.
  • Unplug from technology when you can, and avoid social media.
  • Include your friends and co-workers. Be social, and talk about things other than work.
  • Try something new every day. Make a calendar to track the things you want to try and stick with it!


  • Enroll in a course through the College, or find one online. Spend your breaks brushing up on skills you need, or studying something completely new and fascinating!
  • Check out Lynda with your College credentials, and learn something new.
  • Bring a book from home, swap books with others, and keep a small library in your area.


  • Start a blog on a topic of interest, and try writing in it once a week. This can be about a professional interest, or a hobby!
  • Or, write something completely different. Try writing short stories, or stories about the people you see around the College. Get creative!
  • Or just draw. Do a small doodle of something in your office every day, and see how you improve. Utilize those post-its!


  • Play games! There are many games that keep your mind running, such as Chess, Sudoku, and cards. Play online, or start a group with your co-workers! Start teams and make it competitive (and friendly!) The College supports numerous events!
  • Start a hobby that you can work on every day. Check out the various clubs we have at the college!
  • Go for a walk, or spend some time at the gym. Try yoga or meditation!

Just Brown Bag It!

article_bagImagine all that lunch money you can save if you just brown bag it! All that saved money could amount to a new relaxing massage, a one-night getaway, or a new phone!

Studies show meals prepared from home are higher in vitamins, minerals and fibre and lower in fat and calories.

EatRight Ontario has some great ideas to brown bag lunches to work!