Attitude of Gratitude – March’s “One Thing”

Did you know that an attitude of gratitude can improve your emotional and physical well-being, help you to sleep better and be less susceptible to illness, including depression? I’m not making this up, science shows it can also map new pathways in your brain that makes it easier to be happy and actually forces people to overcome the innate tendency to dwell on problems or injustices.

For the month of March, our “One Thing” is for you to tell us what you are grateful for today. Tell us every day, because you get an entry to win a $100 gift certificate from Bryson farms grocery home delivery each time you let us in on what’s great. You can be grateful for the potential of having groceries delivered to your front door, grateful for indoor toilets, that your kids made the bus, that it’s Friday, that someone held the door for you, opposable thumbs, your dog… or that your dog doesn’t have opposable thumbs. ;-)

Enter your “One Thing” in the comments section below, or send us an email at

Hope you win and that you continue to be grateful every day.


  • Louise Boudreault Says:

    I’m grateful for the warmer weather to bike to work in. I kept getting frostbite at -30!

  • Katherine Says:

    I am grateful for my kids, they make me smile and laugh every day.

  • Trudy Price Says:

    I am grateful and blessed to have a amazing sisterhood of women in my life that bring fabulous energy, incredible spirit, constant kindness and lotsa laughs to my days!! Whether I need a break in the day for a quick smile, an all out belly laugh, maybe a smiling face to lift the spirit or if I am looking to pull a group of people together to accomplish a task for someone in need – within a moment I will find these brilliant, quick witted, compassionate women at my side:) Grateful….

  • Elizabeth Says:

    I am so grateful for the loving family that I have.

  • Corie Seed Says:

    I am so thankful for my health!

  • Deborah Says:

    I am very thankful for my family, my husband and my children who are a huge blessing and gift in my life!

  • maria Says:

    I am grateful for the opportunity to be in a place were I can make a small difference in people’s well being.

  • Marlene Says:

    I am grateful for the beautiful, gorgeous, bright and shining sun that
    illuminates everything, helps to support life in this beautiful blue planet, lift up our spirits, make pictures perfect!, enhance natures’ colors, and puts a big smile in my face!!!

  • Amandah Says:

    I am grateful for the continued support my coworkers and friends at the college give to me. You know who you are!

  • Laura Says:

    I’m grateful that my insurance company is going to cover the water damage to my house due to ice dams on the roof!

  • Deborah Says:

    I am grateful for heat in my car which stopped working about 2 months ago and then last week we had a fixed. So very thankful especially on days like today.

  • Elena Says:

    I’m grateful that spring is coming and I am going to enjoy the sunshine soon again!

  • Mary-Ellen Scrivens Says:

    I think I’m most thankful for reaching a point in my life where I like myself just as I am – and don’t feel the need to conform to someone else’s concept of who I should be. This comfort comes with age, which is a bit ironic since you don’t get a whole lot of time to enjoy the new-found confidence, but there it is.

  • Jenn Says:

    I am grateful that our weather is different everyday. It provides a morning surprise, fabulous clothing variety, fantastic outdoor sports and an easy intro topic of conversation. Thanks Mother Nature!

  • Nicole Brown Says:

    I am grateful to have and be able to show Love for my family, friends and people that come along in my life. Whether it be for a moment of a lifetime.

  • Amandah Says:

    I am grateful for cold medicine.

  • Marlene Says:

    I am so grateful for a wonderful, loving, caring and faithful husband that
    always is trying to please me, for an extraordinary son, for wonderful parents who shaped the person I am today, and for caring and loving siblings

  • Daniel Kelly Says:

    Today I am grateful for the morning sun that was shining while waiting for the bus. I am bald and it was wonderful to have the sun warming my hairless head.

  • Rachele Says:

    I am grateful for the giant oak tree at the end of my street. It’s russeling leaves In the dead of winter sound like a gently flowing stream.

  • Sharleen Conrad-Beatty Says:

    I am grateful for having such a wonderful, strong, creative role model in my life. My mom…

  • Marlene Says:

    I am thankful and appreciate the variety and richness of colors, music,
    aromas and textures available for me to enjoy! and the best part, it is free!!!

  • Victoria Says:

    I’m grateful for fresh drinking water!

  • Marlene Says:

    I am so grateful for my body, how wonderful it has been, supporting me and sustaining me for 24 hours, 7 days a week!, working continuously, day and night, even when I have nourished with junk food

  • barkerl Says:

    I am grateful for how much joy the little things bring (knowing that that joy is always accessible.)

  • Marlene Says:

    I am grateful for the wind, that blows and cleans the air we breath, and cares our faces in a warm day, so delightful!

  • Marlene Says:

    I am so grateful for the 17 years we celebrated yesterday of our arrival to Canada. We came on the last day we were allowed to enter and had until midnight to do it. It was very stressful, because of many flight delights due to bad weather. Our passports were stamped at 11:59! the officer told us: Welcome to Canada, you made it by one minute!. The miraculous minute!

  • Jenn Says:

    I am grateful for the people in my life that make me laugh.
    Wow, does it ever feel good!

  • Marlene Says:

    I am grateful for the “magic” of internet and all these apps such as whatsup that allows me to communicate instantly with family and friends far away :-)

  • Michel Choueiry Says:

    I am grateful for having the privilege to live in such a lovely country called Canada !

  • Marlene Says:

    I am grateful that every morning my loving husband prepares and leaves breakfast for me before he leaves for work

  • Marlene Says:

    today I am grateful for opening my eyes to a new day full of beautiful possibilities and presents, the first one in the morning, the most beautiful inspiring “good morning video” sent to my iphone from Cali! it really made my day!

  • Marlene Says:

    I am so grateful and blessed for my wonderful son! He is my inspiration, every day, since he was born, I have learned from him something that have amazed me, he is fun, smart, sweet, tender and loving, generous, hard working,he is beautiful both inside and outside. Is the best thing in my life! beside my belief in God that sustains everything, and by whom nothing is impossible!

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