Will the Veterinary Assistant program assist you in getting accepted into the Veterinary Technician program?
Students with the ability to maintain a strong B average throughout the Veterinary Assistant program would be considered a good candidate for the Veterinary Technician program. Some courses taken in the Veterinary Assistant program qualify for credit in the Veterinary Technician program. You will still need to apply to the Veterinary Technician program which has different eligibility requirements.

How is this program different from other Colleges?
The Veterinary Assistant program offers you a strong background in companion animal, shelter and laboratory animal care. You may seek employment in veterinary practices, animal shelter and research facilities. Basic grooming courses prepare you for entry level grooming positions.

Do you need special vaccinations before starting this program?
Yes. Pre-exposure rabies series at the student’s expense, adequate rabies titer and up to date tetanus/diphtheria are required before starting the program.

How can you upgrade your admission requirements for the program?
Algonquin College offers a 1-year certificate program Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Certificates and Diplomas which prepares students to be successful in a variety of health sciences programs. Graduates are prepared to meet the eligibility requirements for the Veterinary Assistant program. See more at algonquincollege.com/prehealthsciencepathways2. Algonquin College also offers Academic Upgrading for more information visit algonquincollege.com/access.

Will this program assist you in getting accepted in to the Veterinary Technician program?
The Veterinary Technician program has different eligibility requirements. Students with the ability to maintain a strong “B” average throughout the Veterinary Assistant program would be considered a good candidate for the Veterinary Technician program. Some courses taken in the Veterinary Assistant program qualify for credit in the Veterinary Technician program.

Why is this program different from other Colleges?
This Veterinary Assistant program offers you a strong background in companion animal, shelter and laboratory animal care. You may seek employment in veterinary practices, animal shelter and research facilities. Basic grooming courses prepare you for entry level grooming positions.

What’s the salary range for Veterinary Assistant?
Salary ranges vary widely depending on the place of employment. Opportunities can include a salary of minimum wage or even a commission based income. It is important to understand the employer’s job description before accepting a position.

What does a Veterinary Assistant do?
Veterinary Assistants provide support to the veterinary team the patients and their owners. They can also become successful entrepreneurs in related animal businesses.

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