What is Recreation and Leisure?
It’s more than just play. The recreation program is committed to preparing you, to assume responsibility for the development, coordination, delivery and management of leisure services and programs within an organization and/or a community. As a member of a team you will develop leadership skills and encourage people of all ages from children to seniors to live a healthy, active lifestyle in private, public and non-profit organizations.

Are there co-op or field placement opportunities?
There are close to 300 hours dedicated to time in the field which provides real time industry experience. You will work with the faculty to determine the field placement that is best for you. Placements take place in Level 3 and 4. You will require a Police Records Check, First Aid, CPR, Level C and completed WSIB form before you start your placement.

Is this program offered part-time or online?
The Recreation and Leisure Services program is a full time program and delivers courses in a variety of formats including face-to-face, in a classroom, and hybrid (combination of classroom and online learning). Although part-time study is not available, customized delivery of program components may be arranged.

You have taken other courses at college/university. Are you able to receive credit for these courses toward this program?
Students may apply for transfer of academic credits from Algonquin College (internal transfer) or from other institutions (external transfer). Students pay a fee for each course they wish to be exempt from and must provide course outlines and transcripts for the course substituted. Students may apply for credit by challenging courses using Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition(PLAR). Students pay a fee for each course they wish to be exempt from and, through either a portfolio or challenge examination, a PLAR may lead to the acceptance of work and life experience in lieu of taking certain courses.

You are interested in transferring credits from this diploma program to a university. Are there any transfer agreements?
Articulation agreements are available for you should you decide to continue your studies. See more: https://www.algonquincollege.com/degree-pathways/



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