Would you work shift work?
Possibly. You may have to work days, evenings, and in some cases the overnight shift.

What does the job entail?
Medical Device Reprocessing will require you to clean, sort and sterilize all reusable hospital equipment.

Is this program the same as the Sterile Supply Processing program?
This is a more comprehensive program, which includes the most up to date and current knowledge and skills relating to reprocessing. There is a separate theory and practice module relating to scope reprocessing which was not in our former program. This is a ministry approved program.

If you took the Sterile Supply Reprocessing will there be bridging available to complete this certificate?
In the future we will have a bridge program in place that will build on the Sterile Supply Reprocessing Certificate.

What is the average salary?
$15-20 per hour. Medical Device Reprocessors are recognized as a bargaining unit in a unionized environment. In a private office there would likely not be a union.

Is it hard, physical work?
As a Medical Device Reprocessor you will be on your feet, and will have to push heavy equipment in and out of a sterilizer. You have to be in good physical condition.

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