Who is well suited for the program?
Those who possess physical and psychological health to work in stressful, high energy, and challenging situations. You are compassionate and eager to make a difference in the lives of children, families and the community. You want to learn about and assist those who face challenges involving addictions, mental health, abuse, trauma and learning exceptionalities and have strong verbal and written communication skills.

Is volunteer work required for admission to the program?
No, applicants do not need to have volunteer experience to be accepted into the program. However, having some experience working with children and youth is beneficial to help the applicant determine if they enjoy working with young people.

Is there a strong emphasis on communication skills?
Yes, the program and field require a student to be able to effectively communicate both orally and in writing. Students take two English courses in the first year of the program and a Research Writing Skills course in the third year of the program, to strengthen their abilities in this area. There is a strong emphasis on writing skills throughout all courses in the program.

Am I responsible for finding my own field placement?
All students are matched with a field placement by the placement coordinator. Matches are made based on a student’s strengths and challenges, and community needs.

Where will I complete my field placement?
All second-year students are placed in a school/educational setting. Third-year students are provided a community placement that may include residential care facilities, mental health treatment centres, shelters, therapeutic foster care environments, community-based/resource centres, and youth justice services.

What support is there for me to be successful?
The Child and Youth Care faculty are very committed to student success. The Faculty provide first year students with orientation activities and information in their first few weeks at College. Each first year student has an academic advisor to help them make academic decisions and assist them in finding the resources they may require at the College. The faculty are very approachable and available for extra help as required.

Where will I be able to get a job upon graduation?
Graduates are employed as frontline professionals in residential care facilities, mental health treatment centres, shelters, educational settings, therapeutic foster care environments, community-based services/resource centres and youth justice services.

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