Michael Black

Michael Black, Instructor

First Name: Michael
Last Name: Black
Email: blackm@algonquincollege.com
Phone: 613-727-4723
Extension: 4818
Room: C230
Title: Instructor
School/Department: School of Wellness, Public Safety and Community Studies
Campus: Ottawa

Michael Black is an Algonquin College Child and Youth Worker program graduate. Upon entering the field in 2007, Michael worked in community and group care settings. This experience soon led to transitioning into a community-based youth justice organization. In this role, the focus was to align himself with the youth/family and help connect with service providers to reduce the risk of reoffending. Throughout his career, Michael remained connected to the Child and Youth Care program through guest speaking in classrooms, supervising students and teaching part-time. After working in the field for 11 years, Michael returned to Toronto Metropolitan University to complete his Master’s Degree in Child and Youth Care. In 2018, Michael joined the Algonquin Child and Youth Care faculty as a full-time instructor.