Kwey, hello!
Pìdj-ijàhig, Welcome to the Office of the Vice President, Student Services
Amanda Fowler, Executive Assistant, and I welcome you to Student Services. Along with our committed teams, our role is to support you—Algonquin College learners—to transform your hopes and dreams into lifelong success. Together, we strive to provide consistent and predictable access to services:
- Ben Bridgstock, Director of Student Support Services
- Krista Marsden, Registrar
- Alanna McDonell, Director of Marketing and Recruitment
- Lois Pollock, R3 Project Executive Lead
- Anita Tenasco, Director of Indigenous Initiatives
We are also committed to continuous improvement to positively impact your cross-college experience. As liaison to our Algonquin College Students’ Association, learner experience always informs our planning. Your insights and contributions are appreciated.
Migwech, Thank you,
Krista Pearson
Vice President, Student Services