
Students who are registered with the Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) and are considered to be full-time students on a reduced course load who are eligible to opt-in to the U-Pass program.

to opt-in, please follow the steps below:

  1. Login to AC 360.
  2. Once logged in, click on “Ask the Registrar’s Office”
  3. On the screen that says “Create Case”, from the “Pick the Topic” drop down menu, select “General Inquiries”
  4. Then in the “Category” drop down menu, select “U – Pass”
  5. In the “Description” text box, please write “I am a student registered with CAL on a reduced course load.”
  6. Then click “Submit Case”

Please allow at least one full business day case to be reviewed, processed, and your U-Pass to start working.