Introducing Kwey The Indigenous Language Project

As part of Algonquin College’s commitment to introducing and embracing the traditional Anishinàbe (ahnishinAHHbay) Algonquin NationTitle card in Algonquin green to introduce Indigenous language series called Kwey language on campus, during the month of June we will share vocabulary, phrases and information to familiarize learners and employees with the traditional language.

Please join Anita Tenasco, Director of Indigenous Initiatives, in using the words and phrases on campus, in classrooms and with colleagues and students.

“Kwey. My name is Jenny Tenasco and I’m from Kitigan Zibi (KITighan ZEEbee). I also work with Algonquin College as an elder to provide guidance and assistance regarding First Nations, Inuit and Métis issues and education.

“Kwey” is an Algonquin greeting that means hello. It is fitting therefore that we say “kwey” as we introduce you to a series of videos we will be sharing over the next month to familiarize you with words, expressions and phrases in the Anishinàbe (ahnishinAHHbay) Algonquin language, the traditional language of this region.”

For more information visit the Kwey – Indigenous Language Project website.


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