College community convenes to chat about Calls to Action

In 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) presented their report and recommendations to all Canadians. The finalGroup sitting at tables in Nawapon listening to Anita Tenasco speaking report included 10 Principles for Reconciliation and 94 Calls to Action that speak to all sectors of Canadian society. Certain Calls to Action were related specifically to education.

In the 10 years since the report was made public, Algonquin College has carried out solid work to move towards implementing the Calls to Action and acknowledges that much more is still to be done.

“This work can be described as ‘mino pimadiziwin’ (MEE-noh pimm-ah-DIZZ-EE-WIN) — the good life, a balanced life, thinking of the collective while promoting healing in our country,” said Claude Brulé, President and CEO, Algonquin College. “I commend all areas of the college who are embracing the work of reconciliation, and I applaud the commitment from employees who are learning about Indigenous history, traditions and culture, and are becoming advocates and allies for Indigenization. We take pride in the unwavering support and promotion of this work by our college community.”

With the 10-year anniversary of the report a few months away, the College’s Office of Indigenous Initiatives hosted an in-person Listening Circle and invited employees to share their thoughts around the work that has taken place around the subject of Truth, Reconciliation and Indigenization.

Participants reviewed a high-level list of College-wide initiatives completed over the past decade. They shared feedback regarding ways to support learners, improve teacher training, market the College to Indigenous audiences and offer more Indigenous learning to students.

The Calls to Action can be reviewed on the Truth and Reconciliation website.

A short survey from Learning and Teaching Services is available for those who wish to share their thoughts regarding Indigenous Learning Outcomes and advancing Reconciliation through education.

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