Algonquin College celebrates National Indigenous Peoples Day

Anita Tenaso, Director of Indigenous Initiatives, Claude Brulé, Algonquin College President and CEO, along with drummer Randy Anita Tenasco shows a picture of a blue jay to the crowd Kakegamick marked a special morning on campus to celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day.

The morning was marked by the raising of the National Indigenous Peoples Day flag, which recognizes and celebrates the cultures and contributions of the First Nations, Inuit and Métis Indigenous Peoples of Canada, but also marks a special occasion.

We are proud to be raising a flag from the Anishinàbe Algonquin Nation on our campus. This symbolizes our respect and commitment to the Indigenous community and our dedication to making Indigenous Knowledge and Truth and Reconciliation an integral part of Algonquin College’s culture.

The day was a beautiful sharing of cultural objects, interesting facts and information and knowledge sharing, plus delicious food samplings of traditional fare.

Randy Kakegamick dances for the crowd

Randy Kakegamick dances for the crowd.


Anita Tenasco shares information about drums in Indigenous cultures.

Anita Tenasco shares information about drums in Indigenous cultures.


Anita Tenasco talks to the ECE daycare students.

Anita Tenasco shares a painting of a Blue Jay (Tendesi) with our ECE daycare students.



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