National Indigenous Peoples Day at the Pembroke Campus

The Pembroke Campus celebrated National Indigenous Peoples Day with adrummers sit in a circle at Pembroke campus marking National Indigenous People's Day special ceremony on June 21. The ceremony included Indigenous teachings about the importance of feasting a drum by an Elder who spoke about need for the “drum to never eat alone,” and the importance of the drum in Indigenous culture. The feast includes wild rice and fresh berries that were shared with College employees who attended the special ceremony.

The ceremony was also built into a full day of activities held by the city of Pembroke at its waterfront park, next door to the Pembroke Campus. Employees were able to participate in the ceremony through dancing as the drummers played special songs including a “food song” as part of the drum feast. The employees also brought gifts for the drums, items that could be given to people in need in our community such as colouring books for children.


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