Economic Goals
A – Institutionalize Sustainability

What it means at Algonquin:
Algonquin College incorporates integrated triple bottom line decision-making in the College’s educational and business practices to ensure environmental and social factors are considered within the economic realities challenging the College.
Why it’s important:
Sustainability at Algonquin College affects all areas of the College and is not a treated as a project. Rather, it is about evolving our culture and decision-making practices to balance social, economic, and environmental considerations. While environmental and social factors must be considered for sustainable success, it is important to note that decisions have to be made within the context of the College’s economic realities and applied consistently as filter to all areas of the College.
How are we doing?:
- The Algonquin Experience assures the inclusion of sustainability in our curriculum
- A new Vocational Learning Outcome (VLO) is being appended to all full-time programs of study
- Physical Resources has adopted Integrated Development Processes (IDP) to deliver high performance facilities
- The sustainability portfolio has been assigned to the Associate Director – Facilities Planning and Sustainability and resources have assigned to advance sustainability
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B – Advance as an Incubator for a Green Economy
What it means at Algonquin:
Through innovative education and applied research programs, Algonquin College develops citizens who use sustainable practices to contribute to a green, vibrant economy.
Why it’s important:
The global movement towards a sustainable future is spawning new thinking, market transformations, and innovative industries. Algonquin College wants its graduates to participate and thrive in this new green economy.
How are we doing?:
- Several sustainability specialist programs
- Sustainability learning outcomes are embedded in course outlines
- Applied Research has engaged in numerous sustainability related projects
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C – Pursue Economic Strength
What it means at Algonquin:
Algonquin College continually confronts the fiscal realities facing postsecondary educational institutions and positions the College for long-term economic strength.
Why it’s important:
Within the Canadian context, the competition for limited funding resources is becoming fiercer. With a sound strategy in place built on the three pillar of sustainability, Algonquin College is confronting its challenges and is plotting a course for continued succeed.
How are we doing?:
- The strategic alignment of the College Strategic Plan, Annual Business Plans, Performance Contracts, College Transformation Plan, The Algonquin Experience and other major initiatives focuses College efforts
- The Strategic Programs and Services Planning (SPSP)
- The Digital College is looking at providing high quality flexible learning opportunities
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