College Initiative: Green Move-Out from Rez 2017
Posted on Tuesday, April 11th, 2017

Students living in Algonquin College Residence facilities are encouraged to be a part of a Green Move-Out from Rez as they pack up their belongings and head back home.
In 2016, it is estimated that the amount of items NOT sent to landfill was the approximate equivalent of the weight of a mid-sized car!
What did that look like?
Furniture – 51.7 KG
Food – 238.2 KG
Clothing – 405.7 KG
Misc Household – 609.33 KG
School Supplies – 85.3 KG
Total =1390.23 + 10% estimate for materials not weighed =1529.25 KG
All of these valuable items were put to good use!
- Food was donated to the on-campus Food Cupboard
- Clothing was donated to Canadian Diabetes Association Clothesline
- Furniture, miscellaneous household items and school supplies were donated to the Odawa Native Friendship Centre
- Miscellaneous items were donated to the Salvation Army
Check out this video produced for the 2016 Dump & Run activities.
(NOTE: to compost left-over food items in 2017, please contact the front desk for instructions)
Groups leading initiative: Residence Life
For more information, contact:
Algonquin College Residence