Video Resource: Sustainability Lens

The Sustainability Lens video is part of Introduction to Sustainability, Part II.

This video was created in collaboration with Sustainability Illustrated. Additional videos that focus on related topics of sustainability can be found on the Sustainability Illustrated website.

The short video provides a starting point for what it means to apply a “sustainability lens” to envision a situation by thinking of positive outcomes for the environment, society while balancing out the economics.


Conversation Starter: Are the plants in the ACCE green wall real?

What are the interesting questions that have come up in your classroom around the topic of sustainability?

While all Algonquin College employees may not be in a position to provide an answer to all questions, Conversation Starters are here to help employees start a dialogue.

This question, “Are the plants in the ACCE green wall real?” was posed to a professor from a student.

Stay tuned for a few starting points to get the conversation going on this topic.