What is the Sustainability Toolkit?

The Algonquin College Sustainability Toolkit is a website containing tools and resources relevant to Algonquin College academic and non-academic employees to support the integration of sustainability thinking, practices and actions into the learning, operations and culture of Algonquin College.

Is there a Sustainability Toolkit for Algonquin College students?

What are the “Roadmaps” for professors and staff?

Where can I find the transcripts, additional learning links and videos for either Introduction to Sustainability, Part I or Introduction to Sustainability, Part II?

What is the process for adding resources to the Sustainability Toolkit?

If I want to engage in an online dialog about sustainability with my co-workers, is there a forum within the Sustainability Toolkit to do that?

As a professor at Algonquin College, should I only access the “Teaching Sustainability” resources?

If I am a professor at Algonquin College and I include Introduction to Sustainability Part I & II in the curriculum of the courses that I instruct, can the students in these courses still be recognized with a Co-Curricular Record activity for completing these learning modules?

How does a student get recognized for Co-Curricular Record by completing either Introduction to Sustainability Part I or Part II (or both)?

How many modules in the elearning series are there and what is the difference between the two?

Do learners need to complete the two elearning modules together?

Where can I find the many resources that are referenced for further learning?

Where can I find the videos that are in the elearning modues?

As an employee at Algonquin College, how can I get recognized for completing Introduction to Sustainability Part I or Part II?

I was interrupted during the elearning program and was not able to complete it. Will the system remember where I left off?