What is the Sustainability Toolkit?
The Algonquin College Sustainability Toolkit is a website containing tools and resources relevant to Algonquin College academic and non-academic employees to support the integration of sustainability thinking, practices and actions into the learning, operations and culture of Algonquin College.
Is there a Sustainability Toolkit for Algonquin College students?
No. The best resources for students interested in a better understanding of sustainability concepts as they relate to their personal lives and work environments can be found on the main, publicly facing Sustainable Algonquin website at: www.algonquincollege.com/sustainability. The elearning modules, Introduction to Sustainability Part I & II are accessible to students from either the Sustainability Toolkit or the Sustainable Algonquin website.
What are the “Roadmaps” for professors and staff?
The Roadmaps, one for academic employees and another for non-academic employees are provided to guide Algonquin College employees in a step-by-step fashion on how to easily access the right tools and resources on the topic of sustainability in a logical progression.
Where can I find the transcripts, additional learning links and videos for either Introduction to Sustainability, Part I or Introduction to Sustainability, Part II?
These tools can be found in the Classroom Resources and in the Promoting Sustainability in Your Area.
What is the process for adding resources to the Sustainability Toolkit?
The Sustainability Toolkit has been designed in a format to support the sharing of best practices and helpful tools to support our collective journey toward a Sustainable Algonquin. Employees who want to add resources can submit their helpful resources, or ideas for new resources to sustainability@algonquincollege.com.
If I want to engage in an online dialog about sustainability with my co-workers, is there a forum within the Sustainability Toolkit to do that?
The Sustainability Toolkit acts as a repository of helpful tools for Algonquin College employees. Dialog on the topic of sustainability is best done within the Algonquin College intranet resource, myAC or on the publicly-accessible social media platforms of facebook, twitter and instagram.
As a professor at Algonquin College, should I only access the “Teaching Sustainability” resources?
Resources in “Teaching Sustainability” are oriented to Algonquin College employees with academic responsibilities. Resources in “Practicing Sustainability” may also be helpful as they will related to professors’ role and responsibility outside of the classroom.
If I am a professor at Algonquin College and I include Introduction to Sustainability Part I & II in the curriculum of the courses that I instruct, can the students in these courses still be recognized with a Co-Curricular Record activity for completing these learning modules?
Co-Curricular Record activity for completing either Introduction to Sustainability Part I or Part II (or both) is only applicable when these elearning modules are not part of assigned curriculum. However, professors may assign only Introduction to Sustainability, Part I and provide a recommendation to complete Introduction to Sustainability, Part II. In this instance, the student would be eligible for recognition for completing module 2. Additionally, there are some Co-Curricular activities that require completion of Introduction to Sustainability, Part I as a pre-requisite for the activity, such as the Student Leadership Program (S.L.P.).
How does a student get recognized for Co-Curricular Record by completing either Introduction to Sustainability Part I or Part II (or both)?
The student will need to send their certificate of completion (module 1, module 2 or both), name and student number to CCR@algonquincollege.com.
How many modules in the elearning series are there and what is the difference between the two?
The Sustainability Education program has two elearning modules, each one requiring approximately 60 minutes or less to complete. Introduction to Sustainability, Part I (also referred to as “module 1”) introduces learners to sustainability concepts, uses Algonquin College’s sustainability journey to demonstrate how sustainability concepts are applied, and supports learners in identifying concrete everyday actions that an individual can undertake to contribute to sustainability. Introduction to Sustainability, Part II (also referred to as “module 2”) provides learners with a “deeper dive” on the topic of sustainability, but still at an introductory level. Through the completion of module 2, learners will be able to interpret core concepts of sustainability and be able to apply a sustainability lens to one’s daily life.
Do learners need to complete the two elearning modules together?
No. The two elearning modules have been designed to be separate and able to be completed independently. When a learner chooses to complete Introduction to Sustainability, Part II, the first section (which takes approximately 10 minutes to complete) acts as a review of some core concepts from Part I that are relevant for the deeper exploration and learning activities.
Where can I find the many resources that are referenced for further learning?
The Sustainability Toolkit Classroom Resources has a short “guide” for each of the elearning modules. The guide has all of the resources identified.
Where can I find the videos that are in the elearning modues?
Video resources from Introduction to Sustainability, Part I & II can be found on the Algonquin Academic YouTube channel. Playlists have been created.
As an employee at Algonquin College, how can I get recognized for completing Introduction to Sustainability Part I or Part II?
Algonquin College employees can send their certificate of completion to sustainability@algonquincollege.com to receive one or more Sustainable Algonquin badges on myAC.
I was interrupted during the elearning program and was not able to complete it. Will the system remember where I left off?
Unfortunately, at this time, Introduction to Sustainability, Part I & II are not set up in a Learning Management System that tracks a learner’s status and progression through the elearning module. If you are in a situation where you would like to catch up to the point where you dropped off, it is recommended that you mute the sound on your system and advance the learning. Depending upon the content you are still required to complete, you will still be required to submit responses for the learning activities. Your responses are not tracked and will not be evaluated.