Office Resource: Invitation to Complete Module 1 elearning

Invite your team members to complete Sustainability Education elearning!

Sample e-mail template

[personalized salutation to team]

Sustainability is a term we often hear of, but everyone has a different idea as to what it means. It is moving to the forefront of many business, educational, and social initiatives and decisions, and finally getting the attention it deserves.

Senior College Leadership has embraced the idea that sustainability needs to be fostered and incorporated in our College culture, which is why you now see it in the 2017-2022 College Strategic Plan moving forward. Bearing this in mind, the Sustainable Algonquin Steering Committee (SASC) has developed an online sustainability education module for College community members.

The main purpose of this first Sustainability Education module is to:

  • Educate students/employees about sustainability (i.e., a shallow dive)
  • Create a common understanding and framework of sustainability amongst all Algonquin College employees / students
  • Support faculty in their mission to embed sustainability and internationalization in curriculum (as indicated in the VLO)
  • Support administrators in embedding sustainability in day-to-day operations and decision-making
  • Support energy awareness and energy conservation behaviours

In order for the Algonquin College community to develop and share a common understanding of what sustainability is, all students, staff, and faculty are invited to complete the first module of a two-part module series which is available at:

FYI: For faculty, this first module is ideal for incorporation into a course(s) within a program to help attain the College’s ‘Sustainability and Internationalization Vocational Learning Outcome’ (VLO) that is embedded in all College Credential programs (i.e., the VLO is ‘Identify and apply discipline-specific practices that contribute to the local and global community through social responsibility, economic commitment and environmental stewardship.’)

Upon completion, you can send your certificate to , Sustainability Coordinator, and earn your first sustainability ‘badge’ on your myAC profile.

Thank you for your valuable contributions to a sustainable future.



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