Support for Students in Crisis

It is common for students to become overwhelmed by the challenges of college. If you (or someone you know) are experiencing intense feelings of distress or thoughts of suicide, please connect with one of these support services available on campus and in the community.

Ottawa Campus Resources
Security Services Immediate help for students who are on campus and at imminent risk of harm. Available 24/7. 613-727-4723 ext. 5000
Room T124
Student Distress Line Get an immediate appointment with Counselling Services during hours of operation. Welcome Centre
613-727-4723 ext. 7300
3rd floor of Student Commons
Health Services Get connected with Algonquin’s Health Services team during hours of operation. 613-727-4723 ext. 7222
Room C141
SA Food Cupboard This supportive service provides students who require the services with food and other basic necessities. Room C033 (Student Central, in the lower level of the DARE District)
Financial Aid Get information about the many different forms of financial assistance available to help you finance your education.

Student Central, in the lower level of the DARE District

Community Resources
Call 911 if suicide is an imminent risk, or to access emergency medical services
Good2Talk 24/7 support from a counsellor trained to help Ontario college students. Can also help you find support services in your neighbourhood. 1-866-925-5454
Ottawa Crisis Line 24/7 crisis support from a trained crisis counsellor. 613-722-6914
City of Ottawa Services/311 Information line providing information about accessing emergency services, and municipal government resource information. 3-1-1
Ottawa Food Bank Providing access to food through community food programs across Ottawa. 613-745-7001
Find a community food program near you at