Elevate – Men’s Group

Sep 30, 2024 - Nov 25, 2024 |2:00pm-3:00pm

Are you looking to take your well-being and personal growth to new heights? Join Elevate, a counsellor-led group for college men. Elevate provides an opportunity to engage in conversations and skill-building around various challenges that men frequently face. These topics include relationships, societal expectations, emotion regulation, and more. Skills will be based on an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy approach.

Group details:

  • Meetings will take place on Mondays from 2 pm-3 pm, starting September 16 through to November 25. There will be no meeting on October 21.
  • This group is in-person, drop-in style, and free.
  • This group is open to all male-identifying Algonquin College students. No registration required, just drop-in!

If you are interested in attending this group, please check-in at the Welcome Center (3rd Floor, Student Commons). The maximum number of participants is 6, and it will be first-come, first-serve.

If you have any questions, feel free to email Doug Blad at bladd@algonquincollege.com.

Brought to you by Counselling Services.

Event Location

  • Welcome Centre (3rd Floor, Student Commons)
  • E Building
    Ottawa Campus