
Academic Accommodations

If you are a student with a disability, or suspect that you may have a disability, you should register with the Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) to find out whether you require academic accommodations. The accommodations you can receive are intended to equalize the opportunity of students in meeting essential program and/or course requirements. The accommodations will be based on your specific disability-related academic needs.

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Academic Distress Counselling

Do you need an academic plan to tackle issues such as academic stress, time management, and the long list of academic tasks that make up each course? Counselling Services can help! This collaborative process between the counsellor and the student helps identify areas of difficulty so you can develop strategies to improve your academic performance. Common areas of difficulty include balancing workload, negotiating group work, understanding academic expectations, meeting deadlines, and successfully completing tasks.

Book an Appointment
Call or visit the Welcome Centre (3rd floor of Student Commons/E Building, 613-727-4723 ext. 7200) and ask for an academic counselling appointment.

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Book Study Space on Campus

Looking for space on campus to work on group projects, practise presentations, or have silent study? Available classrooms can be booked by students through the Registrar’s Scheduling Office! Just complete the online form and you’ll get a response get back to you within 24 hours (excluding weekends and holidays).

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Library Learning Lab

The Library Learning Lab (LLL) in the SLC offers workshops to develop and strengthen fundamental skills such as research, writing, math, digital skills, and study skills to help you succeed in your classes and career.

Where to find us?
Room C263

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Essential Study Skills (Online Modules)

The Essential Study Skills website is your secret tool to success! Get top tips, videos, and exercises for mastering key topics, including time management, stress management, studying and test-taking, reading and note-taking, presentation skills, resilience, and sleep. These resources are online, so access them where you want, when you want.

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Coaching Lab

The Coaching Lab in the Student Learning Centre (SLC) provides all Algonquin College students with individual and small group coaching at no charge. Coaches provide support in the fundamentals of writing (grammar, structuring papers, etc.), English as a Second Language (reading, speaking, comprehension), computers (understanding computer programs), math (algebra, calculus, etc.), and anatomy/physiology, study skills, presentation skills, and research.

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The Library offers students a one stop shop of services, both online and on campus, and technology-enhanced study spaces. Services include 24/7 access to study space and digital resources, plus intercampus and interlibrary loans, book and laptop loans, and access to computers, printers, and photocopiers. Need help with a paper or project? Connect with the Library on site or through online chat for research assistance.

Where to find us?
Room C350
613-727-4723 ext.5834

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Online and Educational Resources

View information about AC tools that all students should know about, including ACSIS (to access your timetable, network account info, and more), Brightspace (to access course materials and assignments online), and email.  It also include tips and strategies to help you navigate technology, study smart, avoid academic misconduct, and more.

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Peer Tutoring

Struggling in a course? The SLC’s Peer Tutoring service matches current students who are having academic difficulties with trained students for one-to-one tutoring. Tutoring is $8 per hour and offered online and in person.

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Presentation Studio

The Presentation Studio, a part of the Student Learning Centre (SLC), is a space where students can rehearse or record their presentations. It is equipped with multimedia equipment and a movable green wall to suit a variety of presentation needs.

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Print on Campus

Visit the Student Print website for more information:

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Student Success Specialists

Student Success Specialists are here to assist you, address your concerns, and help you find answers. They can help you with resources and referrals and provide guidance to assist with your learning success. Find out who your Student Success Specialist is, how to contact them, and how they can assist you.

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Study Skills Workshops

Success in a college environment depends on key skills that you’ve been hearing about throughout your academic career — time management, organization, note-taking, reading, and studying. These free workshops are open to all Algonquin College students and provide tips and practical tools that you will be able to use in your courses. Facilitated by a Learning Strategist or Counsellor, the workshops will give you new strategies for approaching your courses and the opportunity to share ideas and experiences with other students. Come check them out!

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