Long Night Against Procrastination

Mar 05, 2020 |3:00PM-8:00PM

Does your to-do list have you feeling stressed? Do you rush to finish projects at the last minute? Are you reading this while you’re supposed to be working on something else?

Stop putting it off – check it off at Algonquin College’s Long Night Against Procrastination! ✓

Our AC experts will be there to help you tackle your to-do list, boost your study skills, and find balance along the way. Bring your assignments or study notes to the DARE District for an evening of getting stuff done! You’ll have access to:

  • Study Skills Workshops such as APA Citation, Time Management, and Plagiarism
  • Study support, wellness tips, and answers to your questions
  • A visit from our AC Dog Squad
  • Free pizza and Timbits
  • Prizes & Giveaways
  • …and more!

Whether you come for an hour or stay for the evening, we’ll help get you closer to your goals.

This event is open to current Algonquin College students only. Don’t miss out!
Register today to confirm your spot!

Register now!

Workshop Agenda

Create a personalized experience by choosing workshops that fit your needs!

3pm – 4pm • APA Citation Style pt. 1: In-Text Citation

Part 1 of 2 workshops, this workshop covers how to use the APA citation style for academic purposes. Part 1 introduces the concept of in-text citations used within the body of the paper and the associated APA rules relating to quotes, paraphrases and multiple author names.

4pm – 5pm or 6pm – 7pm • From to-do to Done

Strategies for time management and avoiding procrastination.

5pm – 6pm • APA Citation Style pt 2: The Reference List

Part 2 of 2 workshops. This workshop covers how to use the APA citation style for academic purposes. Find out how to format a Reference List according to APA style rules and have hands on experience creating references for different types of sources.

7pm – 8pm • Avoiding Plagiarism

This workshop will clarify what plagiarism means, its potential consequences and how to avoid it. It will explain how good work habits and the correct citation of sources can benefit you as well as the original creators of your sources.

Presented by Student Support Services and Academic Advising and Success.

Event Location

  • DARE District (2nd Floor)