Student Experience

What to Expect

As a student in this program, you will acquire broad theoretical knowledge and practical skills specific to electrical, mechanical, and software engineering, including:

  • Core engineering principles, professionalism, and ethics
  • Project planning and management and the development of leadership skills while also being a contributing team-mate.
  • Foundations in mathematics, physics, technical writing, and computer programming.
  • Experience working with electronics, machine design, control systems, electromechanical actuators, sensors, mobile robotics, industrial automation, and vision systems.
  • An understanding of the software required to design and simulate autonomous and remotely operated systems and components.
  • This program is eleven semesters in total, with only one break semester, allowing you to gain experience and your degree, fast.

The paid co-op placements can provide you with experiential learning opportunities to help build your resume and skill set.


“I was able to work on a big project with my group and the first-hand experience of applying what you learned is extremely valuable – for resume application too. Lastly, co-op is offered in this program, which is great for all students to get their foot out the door to start their career.”
— Fernandodaud, Graduate 

“Graduates from this program would fit well into future robotics projects, such as the recent development of the Kapvik microRover prototype for Mars exploration.”
— Ian Sinclair, PhD, MPB Communications Inc. 

If you’d like to hear more about the program from the students’ perspective, you can also watch this video to get a glimpse inside the classroom and learn more.

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