Congratulations to Dmitry Klishch for placing fourth in the IEEE Eastern Ontario Oral Paper Competition

Dmitry Klischch, Mechanical Engineering Technology studentOn Friday, March 28th the IEEE Eastern Ontario Oral Paper Competition was held at the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario. Among the competitors at the competition Mechanical Engineering Technology student Dmitry Klishch placed fourth overall with a score of 92%. Dmitry presented on his Exo-Supportive Device for Individuals with Restricted Mobility. The winner of the competition finished with 95% the second and third place winners finished with 94% and 93% respectively. The
spokesperson for the judges commented that the competition was very tight and if percentages were being given then it might be 4% between to first place and
the fifth place.

%, Team, Presenters, Presentation Title

1, 95%, Queens, Al Amin, Syed Rubab, Tasnia Islam, Controlling a Speech Synthesizer through Gesture Recognition

2, 94%, RMC, Raymond Bailey, James Bayes, Tracking Moving Targets from a Moving Platform Using Model Predictive Coding

3, 93%, Carleton, Greg Kiar, Wade Skinner, Central Nervous System Augmentation

4, 92%, Algonquin, Dmitry Klishch, Exo-Supportive Device for Individuals with Restricted Mobility

5, 91%, Ottawa, Graham Brown, Spatial Characterization of Attosecond Light Pulses

Congratulations to all that competed.



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