Sexual Assault/Violence Reporting


All members of the Algonquin College community have a right to work, study and socialize in an environment that is free from any form of sexual violence, including but not limited to, sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, indecent exposure and voyeurism.

If You Have Experienced or Been Affected by Sexual Assault/Sexual Violence

We recognize it is difficult to disclose or report incidents of sexual violence and sexual assault. The choice to disclose or report is entirely yours. As a survivor, we commit to supporting you through the process of disclosure and strongly encourage you to report your experience to us, as Algonquin College is committed to providing a safe and respectful working, learning and teaching environment free from violence or harassment. Where a complaint of sexual assault/sexual violence has been reported to the College, the College will exercise care to protect and respect the rights and confidentiality of both the complainant and the respondent.

Please note if you area a staff member who has received a disclosure of sexual violence you are to contact Security Services(613)727-4723, ext. 5010 to report the incident and obtain guidance.

For more information please refer to Algonquin College Policy SA-16 Sexual Assault/Sexual Violence.

Why would I fill out this form?

To report a sexual assault or an act of sexual violence.

What if I wish to remain anonymous?

If this form is filled out anonymously (without your name) your identity will always remain anonymous and you will not be contacted.

What if I would like to speak to someone in person?

Algonquin College Security Services is available 24/7 and can be reached at 613-727-4723 ext. 5010. Security will take the report of the incident and if you wish will connect you with resources such as the Police, Counseling and Health Services.

You may also contact these services directly.

Police 911
Counselling Services (Ottawa Campus) 613-727-4723 ext. 7200
Counselling Services (Perth Campus) 613 267-2859 ext 5610
Counselling Services (Pembroke Campus) 613-735-4700, Ext. 2804
Health Services (Ottawa Campus) 613-727-4723 ext. 7222
Health Services (Perth Campus) 613-267-2859, ext. 5604
Health Services (Pembroke Campus) 613-735-4700 ext. 2748

What happens with this information?

If contact information is provided, Security Services will contact the reporter of this form in order to gather information regarding the incident. All information is maintained in the strictest of confidence and will only be disclosed to the appropriate response agencies. This information, including anonymous reports, will be used to help enhance understanding of our campus so that we may strengthen sexual violence response, enhance safety and prevention efforts, as well as for statistical purpose.

What is Sexual Assault?

A criminal offence under the Criminal Code of Canada. Sexual assault is any type of unwanted sexual act done by one person to another that violates the sexual integrity of the victim and involves a range of behaviours from unwanted touching to penetration.

What is Sexual Violence?

Any sexual act or act targeting a person’s sexuality, gender identity or gender expression, whether the act is physical or psychological in nature, that is committed, threatened or attempted against a person without the person’s consent, and includes sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, indecent exposure, voyeurism and sexual exploitation.

Sexual Assault / Sexual Violence Report

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Your Information

  • Incident Information

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.