Key Request Form Key Request Form Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Your Name*Name of New Key Holder* First Last Department / School or Faculty*Ext*Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Key Holder Status*Administrative StaffFacultySupport StaffRequest Type*New Key(s)Replacement Key(s)Building*ABCDE (Student Commons)FGH (Hospitality)JK (Early Learning Centre)M (Horticulture)N (Media & Design)P (Police & Public Safety)S (Automotive)T (Advanced Technology)VZ (sports field)OTHERRoom Number*Number of Keys Required*123Authorizing Manager*Narrative explanation of request (Indicate purpose and intended distribution / use of keys)Thanks for contacting Security Services! Normal requests will be completed in 5 business days. Please contact Jonathan Barnett at if you have not received a response within this time frame.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ