Start of Term

Here is some helpful information to get you started.

Courses are now delivered in a variety of modes for the upcoming term. View your timetable to see if you are scheduled on campus, blended, or virtually, and visit the site for more information about the plan for your program.
Program Delivery Information

Get ready!

Check out this helpful checklist to get you term-ready, whether you are just starting your journey with us or coming back for more.

Start of Term Checklist for New Students

Start of Term Checklist for Returning Students

Helpful Resources:

This term is going to be great. We have many resources and tools to support you.
AC Start Up Online Prep for New Students
Student Learning Kit
Technology Toolkit and Support
ACSIS How-to Videos

1. Timetables and Registration

Spring timetables will be available to most students as of April 7. Log in to ACSIS to check it out and make any necessary changes. Have you attended a post-secondary institution in the past? Course outlines are now available on ACSIS, making it the perfect time to apply for exemptions. No timetable? Make sure you’ve paid or deferred your fees.

Selecting a General Education Elective

Gen Eds are selected online through ACSIS. Learn more.

Drop/Add Courses

Course Exemptions (Credit Transfer)

Program Withdrawals – first 10 days of term

2. Fees

Pay your fees online. As long as the payment is submitted by midnight of the date it’s due, you won’t be charged a late fee. Online payments are generally applied to your account in ACSIS within one week.

3. Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)

Submit your supporting documentation for OSAP

To submit your supporting documentation log in to your OSAP application and upload.

When should I submit the documentation?
Submit early. Processing time is 3-6 weeks.

OSAP Processing time

When will I get the funds?

How is OSAP paid?

Financial Aid Questions?

4. Events and Support Services

Find important information and explore all the virtual events and services available to you. We are here to help!

Orientation Events

Kick off your school year at AC Day 1!

Information and special orientation events for International students.

Student Email and College Systems

AC Card


Academic Advising and Support

Centre for Accessible Learning

International Education Centre