Start of Term
Here is some helpful information to get you started.
Courses are now delivered in a variety of modes for the upcoming term. View your timetable to see if you are scheduled on campus, blended, or virtually, and visit the site for more information about the plan for your program.
Program Delivery Information
Get ready!
Check out this helpful checklist to get you term-ready, whether you are just starting your journey with us or coming back for more.
Start of Term Checklist for New Students
Welcome to Algonquin College! We know starting a new school can be hard, so we made a checklist to help you prepare for your first day.
Apply for OSAP or Out-of-Province Financial Aid
You can apply for funding from OSAP or another provincial aid program before your studies start. The OSAP application deadline is 60 days before the end of your study period. You can receive loans and non-repayable grants from OSAP. If you do not want to take a loan you can decline it after your application has been approved and still accept the grant. |
Make your Deposit/Tuition Payment
You can pay your fees online through any major Canadian bank. It’s easy, secure, and quick! Set up Algonquin College as an online bill payment. If you have applied for OSAP, you can defer your fees and deposit through your ACSIS account. |
Access your student information on ACSIS
Log in to ACSIS (which stands for “Algonquin College Student Information System” – your one-stop online student portal) to receive your Network Account Info, including your student email address. Note: This will be available closer to the start of term. Check back often!
ACSIS is the portal to your timetable, grades, account balance, and more. |
Log in to your student email
Once you have your Network Account Info, including your user ID and initial password from ACSIS, it’s time to log in to your student email. Be sure to check it regularly so you don’t miss any College communications! |
Apply for Bursaries
You can apply for bursaries under the “Bursary Portal” that is available in your ACSIS during the first few weeks of the term. Complete only one bursary application at the start of term to be considered for hundreds of bursaries available that term. You must enter your SIN on your ACSIS account to be considered for a bursary. |
Apply for Course Exemptions and Credit Transfers
You may be eligible for a credit transfer if you have previously taken a course(s) that match up to an Algonquin College course in terms of their learning requirements. You can apply for transfer of credit (called internal or external exemptions) in your ACSIS account under the tab “Transfer Credit/Exemptions.”
If you have applied for OSAP funding, please consult with your Financial Aid Officer before applying for a course exemption or credit transfer—there could be significant impacts on your funding. |
View your Timetable
After the timetable release date, your timetable should be available in your ACSIS profile under “View Timetable.” Please make sure you select the correct term from the drop-down menu. |
Log in to Brightspace
Brightspace is your LMS (Learning Management System) where you’ll find everything you need to know about your courses – including assignments, digital resources, course content, group discussions and projects, announcements, and more. Use your Network Account information found on ACSIS to log in to Brightspace. |
Get your AC card and/or U-Pass
Submit your AC Card (student ID) + U-Pass (transit pass) photo online!
Your network username and password will allow you to log into the AC Photo portal and upload a photo. Once your photo is approved, you will receive an email with information on how to pick up your card. |
Get your Booklist
Your booklist is available online on The Campus Store website each term and provides a personalized list of course materials needed for your courses. Your Booklist login is your Algonquin College email address and password. |
Get to know your Academic Circle of Care
Find out who your Program Coordinators, Student Success Specialist and Academic Advisors are and how they can help you. Find out more. |
Get set up with your AC tools and technology
WiFi – You can connect your devices to the ACSecure wireless network by using your AC network username and password.
Printing – Setup the Mobility-Print application and print directly to the campus printers from your phone or laptop. |
Are you a student with a disability? Register with the Centre for Accessible Learning!
The Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) is committed to ensuring our students have equal access at Algonquin College. To access accommodations, you are responsible for registering with the CAL and self-identifying as a student with a disability. We encourage you to register with the CAL as early as possible before the start of the term. |
Get familiar with our Student Support Services
Many student support services are available to help you succeed. Explore what our services have to offer and find the support you need here. |
Review your Health Plan
Get to know your health plan coverage here. |
Start of Term Checklist for Returning Students
Welcome back and congratulations on continuing this journey!
Apply for OSAP or Out-of-Province Financial Aid
You can apply for funding from OSAP or another provincial aid program before your studies start. The OSAP application deadline is 60 days before the end of your study period. You must submit a new application each year. You can receive loans and non-repayable grants from OSAP. If you do not want to take a loan you can decline it after your application has been approved and still accept the grant. |
Make your Deposit/Tuition Payment
You can pay your fees online through any major Canadian bank. It’s easy, secure, and quick! Set up Algonquin College as an online bill payment. If you have applied for OSAP, you can defer your fees and deposit through your ACSIS account. |
Apply for Course Exemptions and Credit Transfers
You may be eligible for a credit transfer if you have previously taken a course(s) that match up to an Algonquin College course in terms of their learning requirements. You can apply for transfer of credit (called internal or external exemptions) in your ACSIS account under the tab “Transfer Credit/Exemptions.”
If you have applied for OSAP funding, please consult with your Financial Aid Officer before applying for a course exemption or credit transfer—there could be significant impacts on your funding. |
Register for your General Education Elective
Log in to ACSIS and click on the “Gen. Ed. Or Program Electives” button to see if you must take an elective next term. If you do, you will also see the electives that are available to you. |
Apply for Bursaries
You can apply for bursaries under the “Bursary Portal” that is available in your ACSIS during the first few weeks of the term. Complete only one bursary application at the start of term to be considered for hundreds of bursaries available that term. You must enter your SIN on your ACSIS account to be considered for a bursary. |
View your Timetable
After the timetable release date, your timetable should be available in your ACSIS profile under “View Timetable.” Please make sure you select the correct term from the drop-down menu. |
Log in to Brightspace
Log in to Brightspace to view all your upcoming courses. |
Get your AC Card + U-Pass
Please visit Card Services website for detailed instructions on how to get your new card. |
Get your Booklist
View your booklist when it becomes available online on The Campus Store website to see the personalized list of course materials needed for your courses. |
Helpful Resources:
This term is going to be great. We have many resources and tools to support you.
AC Start Up Online Prep for New Students
Student Learning Kit
Technology Toolkit and Support
ACSIS How-to Videos
1. Timetables and Registration
Spring timetables will be available to most students as of April 7. Log in to ACSIS to check it out and make any necessary changes. Have you attended a post-secondary institution in the past? Course outlines are now available on ACSIS, making it the perfect time to apply for exemptions. No timetable? Make sure you’ve paid or deferred your fees.
Selecting a General Education Elective
Gen Eds are selected online through ACSIS. Learn more.
Drop/Add Courses
Course Exemptions (Credit Transfer)
You are encouraged to submit your requests for transfer of academic credit (exemptions) prior to the beginning of classes. You must continue attending classes until your request is approved.
Exemptions will be given a designation of “EX” on your transcript and as such will not contribute to your Grade Point Average.
Applications for Exemptions/Transfer Credit must be made online through your ACSIS account. If the exemption is based on an external post-secondary credit (from another College or University), you must also submit the following:
- a detailed course syllabus for the course you completed (brief course descriptions are not sufficient)
- an official post-secondary transcript from the institution where you completed the course
- payment of $10.00 (per external exemption request)
- ENL1813: If you are registered in an ENL1813 course and you have previously completed a ENL1813 course at Algonquin College you can email to remove the course from your timetable and apply your previous grade. An exemption application is not required.
Find out more about the process.
Program Withdrawals – first 10 days of term
If you’re thinking about withdrawing from a course or program, you must follow the official procedure. Simply failing to show up for class does not constitute withdrawal and can adversely affect your transcript and any refunds.
Important information about how to request a withdrawal.
2. Fees
Pay your fees online. As long as the payment is submitted by midnight of the date it’s due, you won’t be charged a late fee. Online payments are generally applied to your account in ACSIS within one week.
3. Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
Submit your supporting documentation for OSAP
To submit your supporting documentation log in to your OSAP application and upload.
When should I submit the documentation?
Submit early. Processing time is 3-6 weeks.
OSAP Processing time
OSAP Document Processing Time
It is currently taking 3-6 weeks from the date of submission to review OSAP documents. Once reviewed, the status will indicate whether the submitted document is approved or denied. Check for the following information in the ‘Required Documents’ section in your OSAP account.
- ACCEPTABLE DOCUMENTS: read the description and the list of acceptable documents, and submit exactly what is required for each document.
- DEADLINES: check the ‘Document deadlines to consider’ link to ensure you meet the applicable deadlines.
When will I get the funds?
The Financial Aid Office will confirm your enrolment automatically, no action is required on your part. OSAP funds will start to be released after August 29, 2022. It takes approximately 5-10 business days after enrolment is confirmed for funds to be deposited to your bank account. Keep checking your OSAP account for an update on your status under “Next Steps”. If the status is “Payment on hold until enrolment confirmed” it means confirmation is still pending and will be confirmed soon by Algonquin College directly to OSAP.
How is OSAP paid?
The duration of your OSAP study period will determine how it is paid. If your application is for two semesters, you will be paid in two installments: 60% and 40%, respectively. If your application is for the Fall 2022 semester only, you will receive your funds in one lump sum payment.
Financial Aid Questions?
For any other financial aid questions, including OSAP, you can contact your assigned Financial Aid Officer.
4. Events and Support Services
Find important information and explore all the virtual events and services available to you. We are here to help!