Program Transfers and Withdrawals
If you are considering withdrawing from your program or individual courses, or you are looking to transfer to a different program, visit the Academic Success Withdrawal website at the link below. This page provides information about withdrawing and will direct you to a staff member to answer your questions and assist you with the process.
Visit the Academic Success Transfer and Withdrawal website
Reminder: Check the Academic Calendar for important dates and deadlines related to withdrawals. If you choose to withdraw, doing so before specific deadlines will allow you to avoid incurring financial or academic penalties for withdrawing.
Please review all relevant Academic Policies before you make a decision. At this link, you will find more information on the Drop/Add policy, Registration, Course Load, and more.
Information on the Refund Policy can be found here.
If you are not yet sure if you’d like to withdraw, please review the information below in order to ensure you are fully informed before making a decision.
AC Online Students
For all AC Online students (self-directed learning through our AC Online campus), please go to the AC Online Withdrawals Page to understand your options and begin the withdrawal process.
On-Campus Students (Ottawa, Perth, Pembroke)
For all students registered in programs in Ottawa, Perth, or Pembroke campuses, select from the options below.
Program Withdrawal
Withdrawal deadlines. If you choose to withdraw, there are dates by which you must do so to avoid financial or academic consequences. In some cases, the date you withdraw may determine whether the grades from the program or courses you are withdrawing from will impact your GPA moving forward. To ensure you are aware of the dates, please refer to the Academic Penalty Withdrawal dates located on your timetable in ACSIS.
How to withdraw. Withdrawing from your program can be a difficult decision. If you are an on-campus or virtual delivery student, to start the withdrawal process, please book an appointment with your Student Success Specialist. This will ensure you are aware of all the necessary information to make an informed decision.
Is withdrawing your best option? The following alternative options could help you continue successfully in your program without withdrawing:
- Reducing your course load
- Postponing your studies to a later semester
- Connecting with financial aid regarding funding options
- Working with your student success team to successfully complete current courses
Your Student Success Specialist can review these options with you and support you with your next steps.
Course Withdrawal (for Full-time and Part-time Students)
Withdrawal Deadlines. If you choose to withdraw, there are dates by which you must do so to avoid academic consequences. In some cases, the date you withdraw may determine whether the grades from the program or courses you are withdrawing from will impact your GPA moving forward. To ensure you are aware of the dates, please refer to the Academic Penalty Withdrawal dates located on your timetable in ACSIS.
How to withdraw from a course. Full-time on-campus students, please contact your Program Coordinator to initiate the process to remove a course(s) from your timetable. They will also be able to discuss the next steps in your academic plan with you.
Course Withdrawal (For Course Registrants That Are Not Registered in a Part-time or Full-time Program)
Withdrawal Deadlines. Please refer to the chart below for refund and academic penalty deadlines.
Important Date on Academic Calendar |
Tuition Refunded? |
How grades appear on your Transcript |
Withdrawing before the second scheduled class in the timetable |
Yes, less a $25 administrative fee per course |
Will not appear on your transcript |
Withdrawing after the second scheduled class in the timetable |
No |
Yes, grades appear on your transcript as a “W” (Withdrawn from course. This does not affect GPA) |
Withdrawing after the final drop date on your timetable. |
No |
Yes, grades appear on your transcript as an “F” (No credit is earned and the numeric grade of 0 is factored into GPA). |
*Policy AA14 outlines the grading system.
How to withdraw from a course. If you are taking courses on a course-by-course basis on-campus and are not registered in a full-time program, please contact the Registrar’s Office to withdraw through our Contact Form or by phone at 613-727-0002. You will need to provide us with your full name, student number, and course information.
Coming Back
If you change your mind and want to return to the same program, Level 1 students can reapply through the Ontario Colleges website. Upper-level students, please get in touch with your Program Coordinator a few months before you are ready to return.
To apply to a new program in a future term, please apply through the Ontario Colleges website. If you are unsure of the best program fit for you, the Career Clarity team is available to help new and returning students develop a career direction and make an informed program choice. For a complete list of programs offered, visit our program list.
Apprenticeship Students
To withdraw from an apprenticeship program, students must email stating that they are withdrawing from their program. Please include “Withdraw” in the subject line. The email must also include the student’s full name, student number, program name, level, and the program’s start and end dates.