Deposit and Tuition Fee Payment Information

All full-time domestic students, new and returning, in a post-secondary or graduate certificate program, are required to pay a $500.00 non-refundable Tuition Deposit in their initial term during an academic year. This $500.00 non-refundable Tuition Deposit is used towards the balance due for that term, and secures the student’s seat in their program for the full academic year and confirms that the student acknowledges and accepts that they are responsible to pay all program fees assessed.

Algonquin College Students who have applied for OSAP or Out-of-Province financial aid are eligible for a deferral of their $500.00 non-refundable tuition deposit.

How to pay online

New Domestic Students

Congratulations! You have confirmed your acceptance into Algonquin College!*

A confirmation email will be sent advising you to pay or defer the required Tuition Deposit of $500.00, as well as the Tuition Deposit Due Date information.

The Tuition Deposit is a $500.00 amount payable or deferrable for OSAP or Out-of-Province financial aid applicants, once per academic year in your initial term that secures a seat in your selected program. The Tuition Deposit is non-refundable and works towards the remainder of your total term fees. If a Tuition Deposit payment or deferral is completed after the Tuition Deposit Due Date, you risk losing your seat in your program.

Once the Tuition Deposit has been paid or deferred on ACSIS, you will receive an email to notify you that the balance of your fees have been deferred to three weeks after the start of your initial term. This email will also show the program which you have paid towards, the remaining fees owing for the term, and the Balance Due Date. All students whose fees are received after the Balance Due Date will be charged a late-payment fee of $150.

Please note: if you wish to withdraw from your program after the Tuition Deposit payment has been made, you must officially withdraw.

*New domestic students accepted after the Tuition Deposit Due Date are required to pay or defer the Tuition Deposit immediately.

New International Students

Congratulations! You have confirmed your acceptance into Algonquin College!

As a new full-time International student you must pay your full term fees by the Fees Due Date listed on your Algonquin College Letter of Acceptance.

Note: If you are late paying your fees, you may risk losing your seat in your selected program.

Returning Domestic Students (Initial Term)

Welcome back!

An informative email will be sent advising you of the required Tuition Deposit of $500.00, as well as Tuition Deposit Due Date information.

The Tuition Deposit is a $500.00 amount payable once per academic year in your initial term. The Tuition Deposit is non-refundable and works towards the remainder of your total term fees.

Once the Tuition Deposit has been paid, you will receive an email notification that the balance of your fees have been deferred to three weeks after the start of your initial term. This email will also show the program which you have paid towards, the remaining fees owing for the term, and the Balance Due Date. If you are late paying your remaining balance, you will be assessed a $150.00 late payment penalty.

Please note: if you wish to withdraw from your program after the Tuition Deposit payment has been made, you must officially withdraw.


Returning Domestic Students (Subsequent Term)

Welcome back!

An informative email will be sent advising you of the upcoming Fees Due Date when returning for your subsequent term. As you will have already paid your $500.00 Tuition Deposit in your initial term, you are not required to do so again when returning in the same program during the same academic year.

As a returning domestic student in your subsequent term, you are required to pay the upcoming full term fees by the Fees Due Date. If you are unable to make your fees payment in full by the Fees Due Date, you have the option of deferring your fees (at no charge) through ACSIS. If you choose to complete a no-charge fee deferment on your ACSIS account, the balance will be deferred until three weeks after the start of your term, providing you with more time to pay off your balance.

You must either pay your full term fees, or complete a no-charge deferral on ACSIS by the Fees Due Date or you will be charged a $150.00 late payment penalty.

If you choose to defer your fees at no charge, and do not pay your balance owing by the Balance Due Date, you may be assessed a $150.00 late payment penalty.

Please note: if you wish to withdraw from your program after the Tuition Deposit payment has been made, you must officially withdraw.

Returning International Students

Welcome back!

As a returning International student you will receive several reminders that you must pay your full term fees by the Fees Due Date.

If you are unable to make your payment in full by the Fees Due Date, you can defer your fees with a minimum deposit payment of $2,200.00 before the Fees Due Date. Your remaining balance will be deferred until three weeks after the start of your term.

If you choose to defer your fees, once your deposit payment of $2,200.00 (minimum) is submitted, you will receive an email to notify you that the balance of your fees have been deferred until three weeks after the start of your term. This email will also show the program which you have paid towards, the remaining fees owing for the term, and the Balance Due Date. All students whose fees are received after the Balance Due Date will incur a late-payment fee of $150.00.

You must either pay your full term fees or complete a deferral (with a minimum deposit payment of $2,200.00) by the Fees Due Date, or you will be charged a $150.00 late-payment penalty.

If you choose to defer your fees and do not pay your balance owing by the Balance Due Date, you may be assessed a $150.00 late payment penalty.

Please note: if you wish to withdraw from your program after you have paid or deferred your fees, you must officially withdraw.

Returning International Students (Subsequent Term)

Welcome back!

As a returning International student in your subsequent term, you will receive several reminders that you must pay your full term fees by the Fees Due Date.

If you are unable to make your full fees payment by the Fees Due Date, you can defer your fees with a minimum deposit payment of $2,200.00 before the Fees Due Date. Your remaining balance will be deferred until three weeks after the start of your term.

If you choose to defer your fees, once your deposit payment of $2,200.00 (minimum) is submitted, you will receive an email to notify you that the balance of your fees have been deferred to the end of the first month of your term. This email will also show the deposit amount you have paid, the program which you have paid towards, the remaining fees owing for the term, and the Balance Due Date. All students whose fees are received after the Balance Due Date will incur a late-payment fee of $150.00.

You must either pay your full term fees or complete a deferral (with a minimum deposit payment of $2,200.00) by the Fees Due Date, or you will be charged a $150.00 late-payment penalty.

If you choose to defer your fees and do not pay your balance owing by the Balance Due Date, you may be assessed a $150.00 late payment penalty.

Please note: if you wish to withdraw from your program after you’ve paid or deferred your fees, you must officially withdraw.

Tuition Deposit Deferral

$500.00 non-refundable tuition deposit deferrals (OSAP students)

Algonquin College students who have applied for OSAP are eligible for a deferral of their $500.00 non-refundable tuition deposit.  Eligible students must have applied for OSAP funding for the applicable academic year and be receiving enough funds in their first OSAP installment to pay for their first semester tuition and compulsory fees.

IMPORTANT NOTE: After you have completed your tuition fee deferral, should your circumstances change and you become ineligible for government financial aid, you will be liable for the $500.00 non-refundable, tuition fee deposit irrespective of your decision to continue your studies.

Should you wish to withdraw from your program of study for any reason, you must inform the Registrar’s Office in writing within 10 business days of the start of your program to be entitled to a refund of your tuition fees for the term less the tuition fee deposit. Failure to do so will render you liable for the full tuition fees incurred for the term.

OSAP and Out-of-Province Financial Aid Applicants

Eligible students who have successfully applied for OSAP or Out-of-Province Financial Aid can defer their $500.00 non-refundable tuition deposit on their ACSIS account by clicking on “Defer Your Fees” under the FEES & PAYMENTS Menu Options.

Please review the Important Terminology below for a better understanding of the newly implemented language and policies.

Important Terminology Regarding Tuition Deposit and Fees

The following are definitions of terms Algonquin College uses in order to help you understand the language and policies regarding your Tuition Deposit and Fee payment requirements.

Academic Year: The Academic Year begins with the Fall term, followed by the Winter term and ends with the Spring term, running from September-August.

Initial Term: A student’s first term they attend a full-time program within an Academic Year. This Initial Term can be in the Fall, Winter or Spring term depending on when the student first attends a program in the Academic Year.

Subsequent Term: A student’s second or third term they attend the same program within an Academic Year. After attending their Initial Term, a student would be returning in the same program in a Subsequent Term. A Tuition Deposit is not required for a Subsequent Term when the student is attending the same program. Full fees for a Subsequent Term are due on the Fees Due Date and if they cannot pay the full fees, the student can complete a no-charge deferral on ACSIS.

Initial Term Subsequent Terms
Fall Term Winter and/or Spring
Winter Term Spring
Spring Term No Subsequent Term (last term of Academic Year)

Non-Refundable Tuition Deposit: $500.00 amount payable once per Academic Year in a student’s Initial Term which secures a seat in that program for that Academic Year.  OSAP applicants are not required to pay the $500.00 non-refundable tuition deposit as they are eligible to defer this $500.00 deposit on their Algonquin College ACSIS account. This deposit is non-refundable and put towards a student’s total fees owing for their Initial Term. The Tuition Deposit is required for each new program in an Academic Year. If a student were to pay a Tuition Deposit for one program in the Fall term and then change programs for the Winter term, they are required to pay another $500.00 Tuition Deposit for the new program beginning in the Winter term.

Tuition Deposit Due Date: The payment due date for the $500.00 Tuition Deposit for non-OSAP students entering their Initial Term in an Academic Year.  The ACSIS deferral due date for the $500.00 Tuition Deposit for OSAP students entering their Initial Term in an Academic Year. Please visit our Program Payment Due Dates web page for more information and a listing of due dates.

Tuition Deposit Due Dates for New Domestic Students
Tuition Deposit Due Dates for Returning Domestic Students

Balance Due Date: The date in a given term in which the full or remaining fees are to be paid by. This due date is typically three weeks after the start of the student’s program. Upon payment or deferral of the $500.00 Tuition Deposit, the remaining balance of fees will be deferred until three weeks after the start of that term. The remaining balance of the fees for that term is due by the Balance Due Date. If the fees are not paid by this date, the student could incur a Late Payment Penalty and their file will become encumbered. Please visit our Program Payment Due Dates web page for more information and a listing of due dates.

Fees Due Dates: The date that fees for a Subsequent Term are due. Full fees for a Subsequent Term are due by the Fees Due Date for most programs. If a student cannot pay the full fees for that Subsequent Term, the student (OSAP and non-OSAP) can complete a no-charge deferral on ACSIS and have their fees deferred until the Balance Due Date.

Fees Due Dates for Returning Domestic Students
Fees Due Dates for Returning International Students

Late Payment Penalty: A penalty of $150.00 will be assessed to the account of a student who does not pay their remaining fee balance by the Balance Due Date. A penalty of $150.00 will be assessed to the account of a student who does not pay their full fees or complete a no-charge fee deferral on their ACSIS account by the Fees Due Date. This $150.00 penalty will only be charged a maximum of once per term.

Part-time Refundable Tuition Deposit: $250.00 amount payable upon registration for a part-time student. This deposit is refundable and is put towards a student’s total fees owing for their part-time term. If the student were to increase their course load to become full-time, the student would be required to pay the $500.00 Non-Refundable Tuition Deposit payment for their Initial Term.

Sponsored Students

Please view information for Sponsored Students here.

Second Career Students

Please view information for Second Career Students here.

Frequently Asked Questions

For all other inquiries, please:
Call: 613-727-0002
Toll-free: 1-800-565-GRAD (4723)