Transfer of Credit and Course Exemptions

Exemption Information:

Apply early to avoid the start of term rush! You can apply for transfer of credit when you have your confirmed offer of admission.

Note: All ENL1813 courses taken within the past five years are equivalent regardless of the letter at the end (Ex: ENL1813S is equivalent to ENL1813B). You only need to apply for an exemption if you previously took an ENL1813 course more than five years ago. If you are registered in ENL1813 and the above applies to you, please reach out to your Program Coordinator to inquire-do not apply for an exemption as it will be cancelled.

How to Apply for an Exemption

How to Request an Exemption:

  1. Log in to ACSIS, using your student number
  2. Select ‘Transfer of Credit/Exemption’ under Courses
  3. Determine which type of exemption you are applying for.
  4. You will need your transcript and course outline (external only).
  5. Enter the course you wish to be exempt from.
  6. Enter your information for the basis course.
  7. Upload your documents (external only).
  8. Pay for your exemptions (external only) and submit.
  9. Need more detail? Follow these instructions.

Internal Credit Transfer can be requested when you have taken an Algonquin College course previously and it is not recognized in your new program of study. In some cases, your previous course credit will show on your student record in the new program, with some exceptions that may require departmental approval. Such cases include:

  • The course was taken over 5 years ago (does not apply to General Education courses, which do not have the 5 year requirement)
  • Your previous course code is different from for your new program course (ie. specialized English courses, or program mandated General Education courses)
  • The General Education course is not listed in the options for General Education courses in your new program of study. Please check in your new program of study and only apply for a GenEd exemption if your previous GenEd is not listed. If it is listed, your exemption application will be cancelled as the previous mark will show in your new program as well.

Important information about Exemption:

  1. Application must be completed in full. Enter the course code and name of the course successfully completed at the academic institution (i.e. Algonquin or other Colleges, Universities, CEGEP, etc.) that is equivalent and that is the basis of your exemption request.
  2. The Registrar’s Office will automatically process the request for transfer credit if the course(s) appears on the transfer credit database (Table of Recognized Course Equivalencies) based on College approvals previously granted. Where a course has not previously been evaluated for equivalency, the application will be forwarded to the appropriate Academic Administrator.
  3. Normally, transfer credit (exemption) will only be granted for courses completed during the last five (5) years, excluding General Electives which have no time restriction. You may submit older courses for review. (A minimum grade of “C” is required for external courses only).
  4. Students who request transfer credit after the fourth week of term may have their request processed for the upcoming term. Students should attend classes until a decision has been made regarding the exemption. If an exemption is approved, the student will be withdrawn from the course in question by the Registrar’s Office.
  5. The Registrar’s Office may request submission of original documents. If requested, the documents must be received within 10 business days, or any granted exemption may be rescinded.


I’ve taken ENL1813 before

Q. I previously took ENL1813H within the last 5 years and am in a new program that requires ENL1813M. Do I need to apply for an exemption?

A. No. Your ENL1813 course will carry through to your new program, so no need to apply for an exemption. You may be registered in ENL1813 for a new program but should be withdrawn automatically. *This withdrawal may take up to a week to happen.

Transferring from another post-secondary institution

Q. I am interested in transferring credits from a previous post-secondary institution. Can you tell me what exemptions I can get before I apply?

A. No. You will need to apply to Algonquin College first. You may be interested in applying to a program with Advanced Standing or can apply for individual exemptions. The Program Coordinator of your program of interest may be able to give you personal program-specific course information to help guide you in the process. You should match your previous courses to your Algonquin College courses through reviewing the course outlines (which are needed in your submission).

Previous experience

Q. I have valuable work experience that relates to a course I am taking. Can I apply for an exemption for this course?

A. No, for exemptions you need previous post-secondary education, but with such experience you could consider PLAR.

OSAP Students

Q. I am an OSAP student. Do I need to be aware of anything special?

A. Yes! Should a student status drop in of any course load will likely affect your funding. You are encouraged to reach out to your Financial Aid Officer to ask about the impact to your OSAP eligibility and funding. In some cases, if requested early enough before the start of the semester, a student may be able to request from their department (through the Student Success Specialist) to select other courses (if possible) to offset their load.

International Student

Q. I am an international student. How many exemptions can I have in a semester before I risk dropping to part-time status?

A. Each program has a different number of hours, and the total hours determine full-time load. If you are not sure, please reach out to your Program Coordinator to ask about what the full-time load is for your program and level. You can reach out to the International Education Centre to meet with an International Student Advisor if you need advice on your study permit status and obligations.

Gen Ed from previous program

Q. I took a GenEd course during a previous program a few years ago at Algonquin College. Do I need to apply for an exemption?

A. Good question! You might. Please check your new program’s course listing on our website and see if the GenEd you took previously is listed as a GenEd option for your current program. You can select the GenEd dropdown on the course listing and see the course codes that are acceptable for the program. If your previous course code is listed, no transfer of credit request is required (please note: that if the new GenEd is part of the core courses in your program under any level you will be required to apply for a transfer of credit). If you are unsure you can reach out to your program coordinator or student success specialist. Please check in your new program of study and only apply for a GenEd exemption if your previous GenEd is not listed. If it is listed your exemption application will be cancelled as the previous mark will show in your new program as well.

To book an appointment, click here. *Please note we do not pre-assess transfer of credit or advise on Financial Aid, Study permits, Program/Graduation requirements. Please ensure you have read through the helpful tips on this page and in ACSIS before you book a session.

Other Helpful Links

Advanced Standing – Applying to a program beyond Level 1
Continue your education with a program pathway
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition – Get credit for past experience
Search ONTransfer course equivalencies tool: ONTransfer: Search For Course Transfers

Related Algonquin College Policies:
AA09 – AA09: Transfer of Academic Credit (Internal)
AA10 – AA10: Transfer of Academic Credit (External)
General Education and Degree Breadth Courses