How Applicants are Selected

Generally, you can apply to most programs from November to September, and qualified applicants will be accepted into their program as long as spaces are available. Qualified Winter applicants are considered from December through to the next January.

In highly-competitive programs, where the number of qualified applicants far exceeds the number of available spaces, the College uses additional selection criteria, such as but not limited to tests, questionnaires, portfolios, essays, to “rank-order” applicants. In other words, the applicant with the highest score will be offered the first available space; the applicant with the second-highest score will be offered the second space; and so on, until either all the applicants have been placed or all the spaces have been filled.

Apply Before February 1 for Rank-Ordering Consideration

Applicants who apply to highly-competitive programs by February 1 are treated equally and will be rank-ordered on the basis of their performance in the screening process. After the February 1 deadline, qualified applicants are accepted as long as spaces are available, or are waitlisted according to their date of application.

How Required-Subject Grades are Used in the Selection Process

To be accepted into some programs, you need to take one or more pre-requisite subjects. The College uses the following procedure:

  • When ONE subject is required (e.g., Grade 12 English)Qualified applicants will be ranked on the basis of that grade, from highest to lowest, and selected until all spaces are filled before creating a waiting list. If you’re currently registered in the required subject but no grade is available yet, the College will use the grade of highest academic senior credit that you’ve attained.
  • When MORE THAN ONE subject is required (e.g., English, mathematics, biology, chemistry and Physics)The applicant’s average grade from the required subjects will be used to rank the applicants from highest to lowest, with available spaces filled accordingly. Once all the available spaces have been filled, any remaining qualified applicants will be put on a waiting list.

If your Current Grades Aren’t Available

If you’re attending a semestered school, do try to schedule any required courses for admission in your first semester, so that these course marks can be used in the selection process.

However, if you’re registered in the required course but your mark isn’t available yet, you can still apply, and the College will use your grade(s) of highest academic senior credit(s) attained for ranking purposes.

Remember that you must still successfully complete all required courses and any minimum grade requirements by August 1, unless advised otherwise and December 1 for the Winter Term.

About Waiting Lists

  • When all available spaces in a program are filled, qualified applicants are placed on a waiting list. If spaces become available, applicants on the waiting list are notified by email or telephone, and are given a specified time to reply. The amount of time changes as the start date for the term approaches.
  • If you are placed on a waiting list, be sure that the College has your current contact information. It is important that you respond as quickly as possible, as the offer is time-sensitive.
  • We encourage you to complete all outstanding admission requirements so that if a space becomes available, you will be ready to accept the Offer.
  • If you have applied to more than one program, have been placed on a waiting list and accepted a place in another program, you will remain on the waiting list.
  • Waiting lists are maintained until the start of classes.
  • If you would like to be considered for the same program at a later start date, you must re-apply to the program through, you must comply with the application deadline, and you will have to repeat all program entrance screening procedures. Waitlisted applicants are not given preferential selection or entry to a subsequent program intake.

Choice of Programs

Applicants may apply to, and be considered for, three different full-time day programs at Algonquin College at any given time. The three program choices are processed simultaneously and independently of each other.

Please note the following conditions:

  • Respond to your offer as quickly as possible, as it has a deadline. You can only accept one offer of admission.
  • When all available places in a program are filled, qualified applicants are placed on a waiting list. As spaces become available, applicants on the waiting list are notified by email or by telephone and are given a specified time to reply. This amount of time changes as the start date for the term approaches.
  • If you are placed on a waiting list, ensure that the College has current contact information. It is important that you respond as quickly as possible, as the offer is time-sensitive.
  • Even if you’re on a waiting list, prepare for admission by completing all outstanding admission requirements.
  • If you’ve applied to more than one program, are on a waiting list, or accepted a place in another program, you will remain on the waiting list.
  • Waiting lists are maintained only until the start of classes.
  • If you’re on a waiting list, you must still re-apply to the program through if you want to be considered for a later start date. Waitlisted applicants are not given preferential selection or entry to a subsequent program.

If you Would Like an Admission Review

You can request an Admission review by writing to :

Associate Registrar, Client Service
Algonquin College
Registrar’s Office, C150
1385 Woodroffe Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario K2G 1V8.