I Need Help Now

No resource listed in this guide requires a disclosure or police report.

Signs to Watch For

If you are in immediate danger, call 911.

LGBTQ2S+ or CIS woman

Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre

Sexual Assault Centre of Ottawa 

For Medical Care and Forensic Evidence Services

Civic Hospital

For Counselling, Legal Support, and Accompaniment:

Ottawa Victim Services


Watch for Red Flags

Call 911:

  • For thoughts of dying, suicide, or suicide attempts
  • If you are in immediate danger

Student Distress Line: 613-727-4723 ext. 7300

  • For changes in sleeping, eating, concentration, anger, or mood lasting more than one month
  • If you are jumpy, numb, experience panic, have repetitive, invasive thoughts about the event, or avoid people, places and activities that remind you of what occurred


Forensic Evidence Information:

  • The Civic Hospital has trauma-informed services for sexual assault and evidence collection
  • Civic Hospital Phone Number: 613-798-5555 x 13770
  • You are not required to disclose or report
  • Evidence is stored for up to six months
  • Evidence is most effective when collected within 2 days
  • Evidence can still be collected after 2 days
  • Evidence can be collected for any unwanted sexual contact, not just sex
  • Do not shower, wash hands, brush teeth, or wash clothing and sheets
  • Bring clothes and sheets to the hospital with you, even if washed (Residence Staff can provide you with clean sheets).


Resource List

Off Campus

Civic Hospital Sexual Assault and Partner Abuse Program
Visit the website  |  613-798-5555 ext. 13770

  • Evidence collection
  • A specialized nurse practitioner available 24 hours a day
  • Service within one hour in a private setting, no disclosure required
  • Forensic services collection and storage for up to six months
  • FREE STI testing, pregnancy testing, and post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV
  • Immunizations for Hepatitis and Gardasil
  • Birth control and Plan B
  • Referrals for counselling
  • Up to 3 months of medical outpatient services
  • Reporting to the police (if you want)

Ottawa Victim Services
Visit the website  |  613-238-2762

  • Legal support
  • Counselling
  • Safety planning
  • Reporting to the police (if you want)
  • Referral to community and emergency services

Ottawa Rape Crises Centre
Visit the website  |  613-562-2333 

  • Supports trans and cis women, trans men, two-spirit, gender-fluid, and non-binary folks
  • Accompaniment for court, hospital, and police reporting (if you want)
  • Individual, crises, and group counselling
  • Three counselling sessions for your chosen person to learn how to be an effective support person

On Campus

Counselling Services
613-727-4723 ext. 7200  |  Email: welcomecentre@algonquinresidence.ca

  • Free, confidential, professional help for students
  • Sexual violence, group, or in-residence counselling
  • Support in accessing academic accommodations

Health Services
Visit the website  |  613-727-4723 ext. 7222 

  • Birth control, Plan B, and pregnancy testing
  • HIV, STI, and PAP tests
  • Referral to psychiatric services and psychiatric nurse

Security Services
Visit the website  |  613-727-4723 ext. 5010

  • Emergency response
  • Take reports, investigate, and sanction for incidents of sexual violence on campus
  • Contact the police on your behalf (if requested)
  • Provide accompaniment to and from campus

In Residence

In-Residence counsellor

Email welcomecentre@algonquincollege.com or call 613-727-4723 ext. 7200 and ask to book with an in-residence counsellor.

For new sheets, a temporary safe place to stay and support in accessing resources, speak to your RA, call the Front Desk at ‘0’, or email info@algonquinresidence.ca 


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