Mental Health & Wellness Guide

Good Health cartoonCollege can bring many new challenges, but remember that you are not alone. Whether you are struggling academically or personally, we are here to help.

If you find yourself struggling with your mental health or wellness, you can use any of the resources below to find the support you need. If you aren’t sure where to start, get in touch with the Residence Life Team and we will be able to connect you with the resources you need.

We are here to support you.

I need help now I want to help someone else


Support Available to You:

Support in Residence

Residence Life Staff

There are many staff members in the Residence who are dedicated to supporting you in your transition into College and navigating new obstacles.

Check out who we are!


Support on Campus

Security Services

Immediate help for students who are on campus and at imminent risk of harm. Available 24/7.

Phone: 613-727-4723 ext. 5000


Student Support Services

For support services available on campus, check out the Student Support Services website.

Phone: 613-727-4723 ext. 7200



Support off Campus

Ottawa Crisis Line:

24/7 crisis support from a trained crisis counsellor.

Phone: 613-722-6914


Good2Talk Post-Secondary Student Helpline

24/7 support from a counsellor trained to help Ontario College students. Good2Talk can also help you to find support services in your neighbourhood.

Phone: (1-866-925-5454)



Useful Information:


Tips for Roommates


Email the Residence
Life Team