Residence Life Staff
The Residence Life Team provides many different supports to students in residence. You can learn more about these supports and meet the team behind them here.
Please note: Residence Life is not an emergency resource as emails are only monitored during business hours/while on-shift. Please visit our Contact Us page to reach out to our 24/7 Front Desk team or contact Campus Security directly if it is an emergency.
Residence Life Coordinators (RLCs) are full-time professional staff who provide support to students living in residence and supervise the Resident Advisor team. You can meet with an RLC to discuss anything to do with your success (including supports/resources) and community life. The Residence Life Manager (RLM) oversees many of the day-to-day activities associated with residence life and supervises the RLCs. |
Megh Durston Residence Life Coordinator Floors 1 & 5 Email: |
Jo Brady-Quinton Residence Life Coordinator Floor 2 Email: |
Eva Hambly Residence Life Coordinator Floor 3 Email: |
James Strickler Residence Life Coordinator Floor 4 Email: |
William Logan Residence Life Manager Email: |
Student LeadersResident Advisors (RAs) are Algonquin College students who live and learn in residence with you. They are peer mentors who plan fun events for the community, can listen if you have any concerns, and can help you navigate college life. RAs also know about many of the resources available on- and off-campus. If you ever need support while living in residence your RA is a great first point of contact. If they aren’t able to help, they will know who can! You will have your RA’s contact information in your move-in package and you can also reach out to an RLC to be connected with your RA. Our Social Service Worker (SSW) Placement Student is completing an academic placement in the residence supporting programming focussed on harm reduction and community life. |
Floors 1 & 5 Resident Advisors |
Sam |
Cassandra |
Adrienne | Rachel | Tyrell |
Floor 2 Resident Advisors |
Olivia |
Maya |
Jasper |
Brynn |
Cynthia |
Floor 3 Resident Advisors |
Maryn |
Jessica |
Joseline |
Alexiah |
Laura |
Floor 4 Resident Advisors |
Gale |
Lacy |
Shafa |
Jakob |
Collin |
SSW Placement Student |
Emily |