Application to Change Primary and/or Secondary Contact

As part of your Student Resident Agreement (SRA) with Algonquin College Residence, you are required to identify a Primary and Secondary Contact. The roles of these contacts are outlined in the SRA, sections 5.01 and 5.02. You can access the SRA here:

Student Resident Agreement 2024-25

What is the role of the Primary and Secondary Contacts?

The following is a description of the Primary and Secondary Contact roles, as listed in the Student Resident Agreement (SRA).

Section 5.01 – Primary and Secondary Contact(s)

The Resident, in executing this Agreement, is required to identify a “Primary Contact” and a “Secondary Contact”. It is strongly recommended that these contacts are parents or legal guardians of the Resident. The Primary Contact serves as the individual that is contacted by the Manager if concerns or problems arise with the Resident, as detailed in section 5.02 below. If the Primary Contact is not available, the Secondary Contact will be contacted.

Section 5.02 – Consent to Contact Primary and Secondary Contact(s)

In most circumstances, Residents will be treated without reference to their parents, guardians or primary/secondary contacts (i.e. student conduct situations). However, the Manager or the Institution may contact the Primary or Secondary Contact at any time and for any purpose, including, without limitation, to advise them of (i) any accident or injury to the Resident, (ii) overdue financial payments, (iii) any situation where the Resident may cause harm to themselves or to another (iv) if the Resident is placed on Residence Probation or issued any behavioural contract or Eviction by the Manager. The Manager or the Institution may disclose the Resident’s personal information in such communications, and by signing this application the Resident hereby consents to this disclosure.

This may be a parent or other legal guardian, a sibling, another family member, or close friend of the family. They will be contacted to confirm that they are able to serve as your emergency contact.

If you would like to change your primary and/or secondary contact, please complete the below form in full.

Change of Contact Form

  • Primary Contact

  • Secondary Contact

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.