Violations & Sanctions


A violation is any unacceptable conduct, action or neglect that violates the Residence Community Living Standards, the Student Resident Agreement or Algonquin College’s policies. Violations are described and classified based on three levels of increasing severity.

Level 1 Violations

Actions that interfere with the rights of another individual or community to the peaceful use and enjoyment of their space in Residence.

Normal Point Range: 1-2

Level 2 Violations

Actions that create a significant nuisance and/or disturbance to an individual or community and/or repeated level one violations.

Normal Point Range: 2-4

Level 3 Violations

Actions that endanger the safety and security of an individual; significantly compromise or damage personal or Residence/Algonquin College property; attack the dignity/integrity of an individual; contravene the laws of the land; and/or repeated level two violations. Any Level 3 Offense may warrant an eviction.

Normal Point Range: 4-6

See the full list of RCLS Violations


Sanctions are consequences for behaviour that violates the RCLS, Student Residence Agreement, or Algonquin College policies. These sanctions are explained in detail, including any relevant deadlines or payment information in a Decision Letter written by Residence Staff.

Sanctions are intended to be primarily educational and restorative in nature and may be used independently or in combination for any single violation. Repeated and/or multiple violations shall increase the severity of sanctions applied, as determined by a resident’s point total.

In most circumstances, the following range of sanctions may be assigned to residents at each tier of cumulative point totals.

Tier I – Residents with 1-3 Total Points

  1. Warnings – a verbal or written caution that continuation or repetition of the offending behaviour will constitute more serious sanctions in the future.
  2. Community Service – tasks or roles assigned as sanctions, which contribute positively to the reputation, welfare or condition of the Residence or surrounding community.
  3. Disposal/Removal of Items – removal of items from the Residence that violate the Residence Community Living Standards.
  4. Educational – tasks assigned as a sanction designed to promote learning and development.
  5. Fines – a sanction applied to a Resident whereby they are required to pay a monetary fee.
  6. Loss of Privileges – a sanction that places restrictions on certain privileges of the Resident.
  7. Restitution – payment for damage or loss experienced by Algonquin College, Residence, Residents, Guests or others.

Tier II – Residents with 4-8 Total Points

  1. All Tier I Sanctions.
  2. Communication Ban – a sanction that limits the privilege of a Resident to communicate freely with another Resident.
  3. Transfer/Relocation – a sanction that will reassign accommodation either within the Residence Complex or to a location off campus
  4. Persona non grata (PNG) or Trespass Notice – a sanction given to an individual who is denied the privilege to enter Residence. The PNG individual is also prohibited from attending any residence events which occur outside of the building. A copy of the PNG letter is filed with Campus Security. A PNG individual found or seen in residence at any time will be reported to Campus Security and may be subject to further sanctions under Residence or Algonquin College policies.
  5. Denial of Readmission to Residence – a sanction given to a Resident who will not be permitted to live in residence in the future.
  6. Residence Probation – a sanction applied as a deterrent against future violations. Any future violations of the RCLS of any kind may result in eviction.
  7. Behavioural Contract – a signed contract between a Resident and Residence Management addressing behaviour that may or may not be covered by the RCLS, to comply with conditions of conduct and to refrain from specified conduct as detailed in the Behavioural Contract. Violations of the terms a behavioural contract may lead to eviction.

Tier III – Residents with 9+ Total Points

  1. All Tier I and II Sanctions.
  2. Eviction – termination of the Resident’s Student Residence Agreement (contract) with the Residence.
  3. Recommendation for charges of non-academic Misconduct – a sanction where Residence Staff make a formal recommendation to Algonquin College to investigate and/or charge the Resident with non-academic misconduct.


More Information:

RCLS Violations

The Points System

Judicial Procedures