Level of Review

The REB Chair shall use a proportionate approach to determine the appropriate level of REB review based on TCPS 2 procedures.

  1. Course-based research activities involving human participants where the primary purpose is pedagogical, such as providing students with exposure to research methods in their field of study are reviewed according t0 College research policies RE03 and RE08.
  2. Where Full REB review is determined, the REB Chair will circulate the research proposal to all members of the REB for review and assessment; following which the REB shall normally meet face to face to review and adjudicate the proposed research.
  3. Where Delegated/Expedited REB review is determined, the REB Chair shall delegate the protocol for ethics review to two members of the REB according to his/her assessment of the level of risk, complexities, and complications of the proposed research. Delegated reviewers may refer projects back to the full REB if they determine that full board review is required.