Application Procedures

Researchers are advised to submit their Application for Research Ethics Approval in a timely manner. Completed applications are to be submitted to the Research Ethics Board Administrator for approval. If you wish to conduct research at more than one college, you must apply to the research ethics boards at each of the colleges involved.

Please ensure that your application meets the following guidelines:

  • Your application file is labelled as: YEAR-MONTH-LASTNAME (of the Principal Investigator). For example, 2024-JAN-SMITH.
  • Be sure to include in your appendices a copy of your TCPS 2 Tutorial Course on Research Ethics (CORE) completion certificate, which is required by Algonquin College for all researchers (principal investigators, student researchers, and all other research team members).
  • All supporting documents, such as consent forms, recruitment material, surveys / questionnaires, and other documents are included as appendices with the original application.

* If Algonquin College faculty and students wish to conduct a course-based research project involving human participant, please ensure that you are using the applicable forms that can be found in Forms, following Guidelines for Ethical Review of Course-Based Research Involving Human Participants.

* Please note that the REB does not meet during the summer. The dates listed under the Submission Deadlines are the monthly deadlines for submitting greater than minimal risk applications requiring full-board REB review. All questions and inquiries can be directed to the Research Ethics Board Coordinator at

Submission Deadlines

2023-24 Academic Year

Review Period

Submission Deadline

Meeting Date

August 2023

Aug 28, 2023

Sep 7, 2023

September 2023

Sep 18, 2023

Sep 28, 2023

October 2023

Oct 9, 2023

Oct 19, 2023

November 2023

Nov 6, 2023

Nov 16, 2023

December 2023

Dec 4, 2023

Dec 14, 2023

January 2024

Jan 8, 2024

Jan 18, 2024

February 2024

Feb 5, 2024

Feb 15, 2024

March 2024

Mar 11, 2024

Mar 21, 2024

April 2024

Apr 8, 2024

Apr 18, 2024

May 2024

May 6, 2024

May 16, 2024

June 2024

Jun 10, 2024 Jun 20, 2024