
AC’s Research Ethics Board (REB) is accountable to ensure any and all research involving human participants conforms to the ethical standards outlined in the College’s Corporate Policies RE – Research, and the research conforms to the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans – TCPS (2022). As such, the REB is responsible for approving, rejecting, modifying, monitoring, or terminating any proposed or ongoing research involving human participants which is conducted within or by faculty, staff, students or other researchers at Algonquin College, or by a researcher who is not a member of the Algonquin College community. When research involves human participants, there are several guiding ethical principles:

  • Respect for human dignity;
  • Respect for free and informed consent;
  • Respect for vulnerable persons;
  • Respect for privacy and confidentiality;
  • Respect for justice and inclusiveness; and
  • Balancing harms and benefits – minimizing harm, maximizing benefit.

Research involving human participants must be reviewed and approved by the REB prior to the commencement of the research study.

Please click Algonquin College Policies for Research to find more information about Algonquin College’s policies.