The Steering Committee agreed to meet quarterly in 2016 to keep up the RCM momentum. At our first quarterly meeting on February 9th, we discussed our “lessons learned” during RCM:
- Each SLA was different and needed to allow for differences in department structure and goals
- The Client Satisfaction Surveys are going to be key to keeping up progress on development of quality of SLA services
- Level of transparency into financials is perceived differently by each group – generally positive
- There is a need for standardization of processes
- RCM in the short term is not a BIG impact because we already had many of the RCM principles in place – next year may be a different impact in a full RCM budget cycle
- We anticipate there will be other impacts around RCM in future years
- Involvement at all levels is good and was a key success factor
- Keep up effective communication around RCM
- Everything takes longer than you think to implement due to competing priorities and projects
- Area target setting was utilized and need to be adjusted to give more time
- Setting area targets must have a realistic timeframe to not make the targets unrealistic
- An excellent tool to learn about the College and it’s processes as a whole