Coming soon to a meeting room near you!

RCM Fundamentals: What you need to know

Responsibility Center Management (RCM) empowers academic and non-academic units to manage their own resources. RCM stewardship is expected to play a key role across the College by supporting decentralized governance and fiscal management, inspiring budget optimization, and igniting innovative and entrepreneurial initiatives.

If your role on campus involves managing resources, preparing budgets, or tracking expenditures and revenues, you need to know more about the ABCs of RCM.

Algonquin’s senior managers responsible for academic programs and financial services would like to visit your group and present the fundamentals, opportunities and challenges of RCM. The short presentation will be followed by time to invite questions and discussion of your ideas to create a customized RCM model to fit Algonquin.

Group sessions will be offered throughout May and June, so put us on the agenda for an existing staff meeting, get together with another department or book a separate one just for RCM.

So book early to avoid disappointment!
Contact RCM Project Manager Sandy Finnigan [; x2945]


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