Organizational Change Workshops: The advance reviews are in!

  • “A cooperative, interactive approach”
  • “Beneficial training session for the entire college community”
  • “Great energy and exercises”
  • “Great balance of theory and practice”
  • “Simple and effective scenarios”

About the Workshops

Organizational change is part of the continuous renewal of healthy institutions, and Algonquin is gearing up for transition, for example the impending appointment of new leadership, the development of Project Fusion software, and the advent of a Responsibility Center Management model.

To prepare the College community for “change readiness”, two half-day workshops will be offered to managers and employees from June through September through the Centre for Organizational Learning, led by specialist Rosemarie Bugnet (CustomNet Services):

Managing Transitions

Professional Development Registration

Employees of an organization know they can’t hide from change. In today’s business environment, change is a constant. Fortunately, individuals, teams, and organizations have a choice. You can choose to be controlled by and to be merely reactive to changes in the environment. Or you can choose to be proactive and manage the change process positively to maximize benefits and to reduce the negative impacts.

This four-hour workshop will guide participants through proven steps to build their capacity for dealing with change. Participants gain an understanding of the change process and their role in it, whether they’re initiating the change, managing the implementation, or simply living through the disruption.

Workshop Dates: September 18, September 30.

Coaching through Transitions

Professional Development Registration

Organizations that successfully transition through change realize that accomplishing a change initiative is ultimately linked to all employees. In order for employees to perform their new responsibilities differently and successfully, they need effective coaching as they progress through the change process. Change occurs one person at a time. Even moderate to large scale transformational change initiatives, such as Reliability Excellence and Operational Excellence, are only successful if individuals change how they think and act when performing their day-to-day activities.

Successful organizational change is the result of several individuals transitioning from their own current behaviours to their own future behaviours. Whether – and how quickly – the organization will realize its return on investment depends on how effective you are as a “coach” helping employees efficiently make the change.

NOTE: Designed for employees who supervise staff. Supervisors and above will be given preference if course if over subscribed. Managing Transitions prerequisite desirable.

Workshop Dates:

  • September 18, September 30. (Woodroffe Campus)
  • September 22, September 23. (Pembroke Campus)


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